Working with The Medicine Wheel

There are countless ways to practice with the Medicine Wheel. I do encourage an intuitive approach when working with spiritual symbolism, as we will all take something different from it. Trust your gut on how the medicine of the Wheel wants to work with/through you. Do not force, let this be a beautiful evolution (the evolution is part of the teaching, too! 😊).

Below I provide you with a simple Incantation to speak clearly to call upon the energies of the Wheel. You may face each direction as you go through the Incantation. It is important to note that you must embody a reverence for the Spirits (Energies) of the Wheel as you go through this practice. After, you may wish to dance or sing or free-write to soften the mind and let the energies of the Universe move through you. Notice how and what you feel. Remain open to receive the energies.  (You may also choose to draw the Wheel, meditate on the Wheel as a whole, or meditate on a specific section/animal/element/etc.) In Shamanism, there are no rules to what is right or wrong. How liberating! Enjoy.


“With respect and honoring, I welcome and call upon the Spirits of the East. I invite your powers and wisdoms to bring me clarity, perspective, intuition, and new beginnings. 

With respect and honoring, I welcome and call upon the Spirits of the South. I invite your powers and wisdoms to bring me passion, determination, perseverance, and playfulness.

With respect and honoring, I welcome and call upon the Spirits of the West. I invite your powers and wisdoms to bring me renewal, rejuvenation, fluidity, and acceptance of the dark. 

With respect and honoring, I welcome and call upon the Spirits of the North to bring me home. I invite your powers and wisdoms to bring me the knowledge, the abundance, and the Life I seek. 

East, South, West, North – Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So be it! Aho!”

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Always Love,

Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Chef, Shamanic Energy Healer

Home Practice: Bless Your Home

 You can easily bless your home (or any space) through your thoughts, words, and actions.

STEP ONE: Begin at your front door or the entrance to your space. As you walk in, look around and start to mindfully walk the perimeter of the room, slowly making your way through each part of your home.

STEP TWO: Gaze at your space with the feeling and the thoughts you wish to reflect onto your space – peace, comfort, safety, healing, etc. (You may choose to carry your favorite crystal or burn your favorite herb or wood as you do this.) Invite an inner feeling of Love and hold the clear intention to Bless in your heart center.

STEP THREE: Sounds are a powerful tool that create our reality. Words, songs, and incantations can be a promising way to deliver a potent Blessing. Here is an incantation I have used that is quite simple but effective: “Bless this house. Bless this home. Heal this house. Heal this home. Love this house. Love this home.” You may repeat this as many times as you feel called as you walk around each room, being sure to walk the edges and corners. You may also replace the words house/home with space/place or any other word(s) that feels right. It may feel right for you to touch certain objects in your space, or move your hands in an organic magical way as you repeat the incantation. I would recommend repeating the incantation at least 3 times all the way through out loud with conviction, certainty, and feeling.

STEP FOUR: Once you have made it through the entire space, return to the center of the space or to the center of your home. Close your eyes and breathe for several moments into this Blessing that you have bestowed into your space. Thank yourself, and notice what you feel. Record any experience or reaction as you feel called to.

Always Love, 


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Shamanic Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness 

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

*First image of me was taken by Annabelle. Please check out her work here*