Trust in YOUR Path

Trust in YOUR Path

It is a bittersweet time of year for me, as I am such a summer baby, but actually I am quite excited for fall in CO (hopefully it lasts longer than 1 week – haha ?).

MMM I can taste pumpkin already… (check out my recipe for this month below).

Schools are back in session, nights are colder, days are becoming shorter, and the rhythm of life continues on. As much as I love waking up to the sun shining beautiful luminous rays through my bedroom window in summer, there is something magical about waking up to darkness, stillness, calmness – and observing the light as it emerges and encompasses, waking up Earth (at least on our side ?).

As we begin to shift into another season, our internal rhythms will naturally shift as well to follow what is occurring outside of us. There is great wisdom and balance in the creative workings of life – the macro and the micro. Our bodies may inform us of these changes such as going to sleep earlier or waking up later than before, yearning for more time to slow down & reboot, or a little extra cozy snuggling on the couch with a blanket and your favorite book or movie or podcast. There are endless ways YOUR body could show you – unique to you. Although, it is 100% up to YOU if you listen and respond mentally to this innate craving, or brush it off to the side because of life’s sheer business and scheduled structure. I know for me personally, I can already feel myself turning inward to reflect, recharge, and expand my awareness to learn about things that interest me.

The other night I was watching an awesome show on Netflix called “The Code” and it really stirred up a continuing contemplation of my own

How much Trust do we truly feel for the manifestation of our own unique Path?

The episode I was watching explained the mathematical code that contains the manifesting Universe, in reference to Nature herself. Proven now by mathematical formulae, there is a Universal Order to the intricate workings of Earth and Earth’s Beings. Bees naturally take the path of least effort and resistance as they make their honeycomb – they choose the hexagon shape (instead of a triangle or square) no matter where they are in the world. This shape allows them to use the smallest amount of wax to build their home. Based on fractal geometry, we know this to be absolute truth. The definition of a “fractal” is a non-regular geometric shape that has the same degree of non-regularity on all scales. Fractal geometry is everywhere! From trees to stone formations to brain waves to bubble formations to flowers and bacteria. I like to think of fractal geometry as “ordered chaos”. That sounds like Life – doesn’t it? ?

I love merging the Science and the Spiritual, SO even in times of hardship or suffering, there is still a Universal Order occurring moment by moment – a Divine Timeline for our Path & the events, experiences, and sensations along it. The manifesting Universe has our backs; it will provide us the Path of least resistance & least effort naturally (even if it doesn’t seem so). We are continuously moving, divinely guided through Life – no matter the number of perceivable detours, roadblocks, or bumps that appear on our Path.

I ponder how many of us, myself included sometimes, resist the natural flow, manifestation, and “ordered chaos” that is our Life. Sometimes is quite hard to see the Divine unfolding of our Path – but I promise you, it is without-a-doubt manifesting perfectly – unique to YOU.


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Check out my website here!