Exploring Dying & Death as a Transition

A Tribute & Share ~ My Grandmother’s Passing

The role of a shamanic practitioner in death is to guide and support the soul of the dying as they are welcomed into the afterlife. 

Shamanically, death is seen as a transition where the soul lets go of the bounds of the body and fully enters into the spiritual world known as the afterlife. The transition into the afterlife that occurs in death is acknowledged as being equally as important as the one in birth. However, the transition into birth is the opposite, where the soul leaves the spiritual and enters the physical.

Think about the birthing process. Women have been birthing since the beginning of humanity. People have also been dying since the beginning of humanity. In the least, the baby has its mom to support. More often, the baby also has a group of loved ones – doctors, midwives, doulas, friends and family to share encouraging words and ensure the process is as smooth as possible. This is seen as normal and necessary in our world today. But who do dying people have? This is one of the roles of the shaman. Birth and death are transitions on opposite sides of the same coin, and require the same amount of space, tenderness, reverence and love. 

Dying is a process in which the shaman acts as a midwife for the soul who journeys through the portal of death into the afterlife.

The role of the shaman up to, through and after death is to create the necessary space, energetic healing and support for the soul to transition as peacefully as possible, so they’re able to continue processing what they need to learn, evolve and ascend into and throughout the afterlife with the utmost ease and grace.

There are many helping, compassionate beings that the shaman works with to provide additional support for the dying as well as the living.

Often the souls of well ancestors present themselves to meet, greet and guide the dying, as well as a multitude of psychopomp beings whose only objective is to help guide the soul through this portal. Psychopomp is a Greek word that translates as guide of the soul. The shaman also acts as a psychopomp. Through the dying and death process, the role of the shaman includes providing comfort for the living, and if necessary, planning arrangements and/or tending to any ‘unfinished business’. It’s common for a soul to experience unfinished business if they cling to attachments or dynamics that require resolution in order for peace to propagate during and after death. Ultimately, shamanic practitioners help create a safe, healing space for the letting go of the dying, grieving of the living, and beyond. This is deep, sacred work. 

I had the extreme honor and privilege to support my grandmother last week during her departure from this world.

She was and is a very important person in my life. She was like a mother to me, and some of my favorite memories, especially in childhood, were always with her.

Mom-mom, as I called her, was spunky, spontaneous, witty, independent, stubborn, so very caring, loving and hilarious. She touched the heart of pretty much everyone who came across her, and certainly everyone who knew her. I’ve truly never met someone quite like her. From being able to talk her way out of speeding tickets, to prompting her grandchildren for approval to follow signaling fire trucks to find the fire, there was never a dull moment. We laughed and laughed and laughed and had the most fun. I always felt so cared for, loved and safe in her presence, outside of when she still insisted to drive me at 90 years old.

She was full of life until she wasn’t. She lived until her body told her she couldn’t. Her spirit was strong to and through the end of her earthly life, with only her body that failed her, as it will for every one of us one day.

I was blessed to be at her bedside for the last 12 hours of her life. She waited for me. When I arrived at the hospital in MD and walked into her room, her eyes lit up. Her head was turned to the right, eyes half open, half closed with some movement from time to time. I knelt down to her level so she could see me and started speaking with her. I knew she could hear me because every time I finished speaking, she would take a big breath and sigh. Her mouth would open, and she would move her tongue, like she was trying to talk but couldn’t or didn’t have the strength. I thanked her for waiting for me, told her I loved her very much, and invited her to let go when she was ready, among many other things. She was cool to the touch. 

Over time and many hours, she settled into stillness and comfort. Once we were alone for the night, I asked her if she was okay with me setting sacred space and inviting helping energies to support her transition. I intuitively knew that she gladly accepted, so I shared a prayer as I usually do in any shamanic or energetic work and helped to set the container. She softened into the container.

Around 9p, a nurse came in and tried to take her vitals. She couldn’t get a reading, but you could see that she was still breathing. I intuitively knew it would happen in a matter of hours.

As the container solidified and the helping energies surrounded us, we spoke about her unfinished business. As we talked through things, this gave her a sense of peace that allowed her to begin to let go naturally and gradually.

I helped to clear heaviness within her body and invited divine love and light to flow through her and the space that held us. I sang her medicine songs which called in the support of her helpers and Source/God energy. She loved it and didn’t want me to stop. When I finished, she had a soft smile on her face. Prior to this, she hadn’t moved for hours. I’ll never forget her smile that night. She looked very comfortable and at peace. I felt comfortable and at peace myself.

I could see and feel her spirit being lifted higher and higher, surrounded by love and light. There was a gateway in the afterlife that she was approaching. There was a significant amount of energy moving around and through her body. The cord that connected her to her body softened and stretched. Eventually, I was told she would become so ‘top heavy’ that the cord would dissolve naturally. 

I sat in a chair close to her, covered by a blanket that my great-grandmother made, her mother. I reminded her on occasion that I was still present, and that I loved her dearly. Sometimes I would repeat “May you be held. May you be cared for. May you be loved. May you be at peace.” I watched her breathing become subtler and subtler for hours upon hours. From low belly breaths to upper belly breaths, to chest breaths, to collar bone breaths, to nothing. At some point in the night, I came to the realization that she witnessed my birth, and I had the honor and privilege to witness and support her passing. On occasion I would rest my warm hand on hers or comb her hair. She was cold to the touch now.

In the early morning hours, I noticed she was no longer faintly breathing. The nurse came in just a moment later and couldn’t hear activity in her heart or lungs. The doctor confirmed her passing shortly after. I was told she looked so peaceful. She really did.

Around 254a on Wednesday, 2/14/24, Valentine’s Day, Marylin Berman, my Mom-Mom, passed away. I will remember this day for the rest of my life.

I can see that she is ascending into her highest, lightest and freest version of self. She is looking down with love, awe and pride. I can feel her everywhere – She lives in all things now. She is infinite, loving space.

I will cherish our memories for the rest of my life. She lives on now within my heart and acts as a guardian spirit of mine. I will never forget her voice or her presence or her positive impact on my life. I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity to be there during her transition and more importantly to have been blessed enough to have her as my grandmother. She will be missed dearly.

I love you Mom-Mom. Thank you. Until we officially meet again,
Your Little Shanny<3

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to reach out or schedule – Let’s connect to see what’s coming up and how we can work with it.

I’m sending you Love and Blessings,

Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Teacher, Healer, Energy & Spirit Worker & Intuitive Medium

Becoming Sovereign: The Energy Behind Thoughts, Words & Actions That String, Tie & Bind

What would change if you could be more aware of the energy behind thoughts, words and actions?

The words you think, and the words you speak, hold power. The same is true for your actions. And you can bring others (energy) into the picture when you think, say or do things that involve them. 

We can easily tie our energy to others by the things that we think, say or do.

This concept is shamanic in nature (spirit-based) and was/is understood by ancient and indigenous cultures from around the world.

‘Tying energy’ is not innately negative. It can be used for specific beneficial purposes. However, for the purpose of this blog, we will focus on how this kind of energy can be significantly limiting

How you think, how you speak, or how you do something significantly influences the power of underlying energy…

It’s less about WHAT you think, say or do…but HOW!

Energy is much more complex than we often realize.

It lives within everything and can be easily influenced – whether by our own doing, by others, by our family and friends, by our environment (past or present), by nature or spirit, and more.

Things like intention, purpose and resonance influence the underlying energy behind thoughts, words and actions.

The type of thought and the direction it leads affects the energy that’s behind it.

Tone, cadence and volume affect the energy behind words.

The feeling that you have as you do something affects the energy that fuels an action.

There are many other factors!

Have you ever noticed the presence of an energetic string that was attached to something that was said or done to or for you?

For example, when someone says one thing, but means something else. Or when someone does one thing, but anticipates something else in return, with or without full disclosure or consent. Perhaps you have said or done things in this way too.

Energetic strings can easily live within expectations, anticipations, obligations, debts and more.

Shamanically, strings can also live within curses, oaths, vows, promises, dedications, devotions, traumas (abuse, neglect, manipulation, etc.) and more.

Strings, ties and bindings come into play when a certain kind of underlying energy is not at the forefront of an exchange in a clear and communicative way.

When something is strung, tied or bound, it locks the energy into a specific place or aspect for a specific reason or purpose, which then helps it to stay put. This typically creates a negative energetic influence.

When you expect something, you can easily end up tying an energetic string to that potential outcome. This might lead you into an unfavorable territory if the outcome doesn’t come to be in the way you expected (ex. disappointment). If I have an expectation about something, I also invite a level of openness, discovery and trust in that things naturally unfold in the best of ways, even if I don’t understand how or why. To me, this is a practice of having an intention while surrendering to the outcome.

The same is true for anticipations, which are quite similar energetically to expectations. When you anticipate, you could be reaching a string to that thing, which would then pull you from your body, and the present space and time, towards what it is that you’re anticipating or expecting. These energies could surface as anxiety, having a ‘busy’ or ‘distracted’ mind, feeling disconnected from current sensations and feelings in the body, and in some cases, the experience of catastrophic thinking (worse-case scenarios playing over and over).

The energy of obligation tends to go hand-in-hand with energetic strings. When you feel obligated to do or say something, you are being pulled in the direction of that string, regardless of if you want it/to or not. This generally does not feel good. Obligation tends to create feelings of guilt or even shame if it’s not fulfilled, regardless of the bigger energetic picture at play.

Debts without a doubt create energetic strings – Hopefully ones that are fully agreed to and deemed of worth to the holder of the debt. Debts that appear after-the-fact (ex. through the ‘you owe me’ mentality) represent the existence of energetic strings that were not originally at the surface, nonetheless still existed. I think about the giving of a “gift” that actually had strings attached. Or how some parents can make their children feel indebted to them simply because they are their parents, without consideration of their children’s best interest, or if they even served their children well at a larger scale.

In the simplest of terms, a curse is a very common kind of energetic climate that places a hold on an individual’s space, which limits, restricts or governs their destiny in unfavorable or undesirable ways, typically through repeating patterns, behaviors, situations and outcomes. A curse is a type of foreign energy, which means it’s not authentic or original to those affected. Although, the energy of the curse still lives within or overshadows those affected through a negative influence.

Curses can include the energy of strings, ties and bindings. This would in turn anchor the limiting climate and negative influence of the curse even more into the spaces of effect through having additional energies that, for example, keep it in place or hold what is being tied or pinned. To learn more about curses, read this blog: What is a CURSE?! Are They Common? – Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness Blog (surrendertosoulwellnessblog.com)

Oaths, vows and promises can easily create strings that bind the receiver of the oath, vow or promise to what is sworn to, for or by. Cultures including the Norse (Viking), Gaelic (Irish/Scottish), Old English and many others have detailed accounts of these energies existing within them.

If a dedication or devotion is made, it’s possible that the dedicate-ee or devote-ee creates energetic strings that intertwines them with what the dedication or devotion is to or for. Hindu culture, amongst others, have this imbued in their cosmology.

When working with these energies, it’s important to consider the terms put in place and the life span of the energy.

It’s quite common to overlook these things upon the creation of the energy, regardless of how it comes to be.

Energies can be put in place for a specific purpose and length of time, which would then hold firm for that period of time, sometimes even if circumstances change.

It’s possible for these to remain in effect throughout various lifetimes of the soul and/or affect generational lines and/or the lands we live on or come from.

Note: In my experience, almost all kinds of these energies are workable and do NOT have to continue in the same manner. Most things are able to be cleared, reworked or renegotiated – given new levels of awareness, circumstances and the individual’s right to their own optimal well-being.

This might propel you to think about or feel into how energies of the like may be influencing your well-being…

Energy lives within and fuels everything – therefore it influences and manifests within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Your well-being is connected to the concept of sovereignty –

Sovereignty is a birthright that means you have the right to be in service to your own well-being in an authentic and beneficial manner.

With sovereignty, you have the ability to be your own self-governing individual, with agency and authority over your energy, thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions, so that they are of benefit and in right relation to you. Becoming sovereign includes becoming aware of your energetic space and what lives within or in accordance with it.

One of my teachers, Betsy Bergstrom, speaks beautifully about these teachings.

Betsy shares that becoming sovereign is a path, and our relationship to sovereignty grows and evolves over time, just as we do. Learn more about Betsy’s work here: About | Spirit-Wise

Sovereignty comes into play if there are energetic strings (created through a thought, expression or action) that tie or bind the sovereignty of those involved together (under a specific set of terms, conditions and period of time).

Some people have more power at their disposal to harness or create these energies.

Strings, ties or bindings can be created with love, or with the opposite, and anything in between.

There is an amount of intent involved, although it could be from a sub/unconscious place. And intent doesn’t equal impact. Even with the best of intentions, the impact can become something different.

When we’re stringed to something, we’re connected to it and influenced by it, whether we want it, like it, agree with it, or not.

There are many factors to consider when working with these energies.

Sometimes we do not or cannot fully understand what we’re getting ourselves into, or what we’re energetically agreeing to, or what is being forced onto us, or what still stands today even if the circumstances or arrangement has changed.

It’s possible to create energetic strings where your sovereignty and the sovereignty of someone/something else becomes intertwined. This means your will and the will of someone/something else is also intertwined.

Will is an aspect of sovereignty that influences personal power, energy levels, drive, sense of self, vitality, lifeforce and more.

I tend to visualize the tying or binding of sovereignty or will as a braid. The different sources of will can be braided together into one.

When your will is tied to someone else’s, or vice versa, there is a shift of influence.

This alters the field of energy that you share and impacts each individual (energetic) space of those involved. The quality of energy, thinking, expression, behavior, desire, motivation, even life path direction and more can be influenced as a result. 

Energy is influenced much more often than we would like to think or realize.

It’s possible for an influence of the like to be of benefit, if there is conscious consent, understanding and choice for all parties involved, and if there is a potential for renegotiation if/when circumstances change.

It’s likely for these energetic situations to become undesirable or unfavorable if things are forced, withheld, repressed (sub/unconscious), altered, unknown, or coming to be through ulterior motives.

Often there is a lack of consent or comprehension about the totality of what’s happening, what or who’s involved, what the arrangement entails, for how long, and why.

Ancient and indigenous cultures knew/know that when something is thought, voiced or acted upon, it creates a line of energy that directs the soul.

For example, cultures have been intentionally tying or weaving prayer into reality through clothing, jewelry, tapestries, carpets, flags, baskets and more, which brings the energy of the intention and the energy of blessing into the everyday world.

Where and how is your soul being influenced, directed or affected through what you think… how you think it…what you say…how you say it…what you do…and how you do it?

There is a lot to consider here.

I work with clients to provide support, clarity and healing regarding these energies (whether it has occurred in this life, a past life, or in a client’s generational line) in my private practice, Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness.

Personally, I always strive for conscious intent, consent and comprehension. This is a work in progress.

We want to empower ourselves and others to make rightful and authentic choices and actions that are beneficial and supportive of well-being, firstly personally and therefore collectively. I believe what is in alignment with (the greatest and highest version of) personal well-being is also in alignment with (the greatest and highest) collective well-being.

We want to advocate for our own and one another’s sovereignty.

We don’t give ourselves enough credit to honor and acknowledge the power and influence we have over our own world, and the world of someone/something else.

Part of our personal and collective healing work resides in becoming sovereign through becoming aware of the energy behind thoughts, words and actions.

Awareness of strings, ties or bindings can be elusive, shadowed or hidden to those being influenced. Sometimes, a shift occurs in life that brings forth the clarity of need.

Whether of your own doing or someone/something else’s, in the past or the present, it is possible to work with these energies through a variety of energy, intuitive and shamanic healing techniques.

These kinds of energies require an attuned eye to neutrally, objectively and clearly view the energetic situation, so it can be tended to in a way that’s compassionate, ease-ful, functional, sustainable, graceful and beneficial for the well-being of the client.

You do not have to suffer through the negative influence of these energies on your own. And, you do not have to try to repair them on your own!

If you feel you have been subjected to or involved in something of the like, there are many ways that you can bring more awareness into the workings of your energetic space. Things like yoga, breathwork, meditation, journaling, self-reflection, specialized therapeutic support and/or energy work encourage and promote this. 

It is possible to move forward with greater sovereignty, truth, authenticity, power, potential, freedom and flow!

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to reach out or schedule – Let’s discuss what’s going on and how we can work with it.

May your day be blessed and beautiful.

With Love Always, 

Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

What is a CURSE?! Are They Common?

Curses have been around since the beginning of time.

However in our modern western culture, we’re not typically attuned to their nature. Knowledge, dialogue and practices surrounding curses were much more popular in ancient civilizations, although they continue to play a large role in some cultures today. However no matter your culture, you cannot escape the potential of being affected by a curse.

Curses are much more common than you would think.

A curse is anything that creates a harmful energetic imprint on your field and therefore affects certain aspects of your life by predestining you to a specific repeating, limiting or negative outcome. They tend to present in patterns…occurrences of similar thoughts, behaviors or experiences, which are created from the imprint on your field. Curses keep us stuck and pigeon-hold our highest potential for continuous growth, learning and healing.

Have you ever felt that no matter what, you can’t change ___?

Or do you feel like you’re trapped within a certain place in life or frame of mind?

Or is there a similar, unfavorable experience that always seems to happen in some way or another?

If yes, you may be feeling the impact of a curse.

Curses can (but don’t always) change over time…they can begin by affecting certain things, then eventually they can morphe to influence other things.

To some, a curse may be a blessing. And to others, a blessing may actually be a curse. Curses are extremely subjective.

It’s also possible to harbor multiple curses. One of my teachers, Betsy Bergstrom, speaks on how curses have their own atmosphere within the host’s natural, larger field. When we work with or feel into a curse, they tend to relay in a pressurized, sticky, murky, gooey, or miasmic way.

Some curses are created intentionally with conscious direction, and some are created unintentionally without conscious direction. Curses can be generational; or they can be carried over from past lives; or they can be created from this lifetime. It’s also possible to create and inflict a curse onto yourself!

The reason a curse negatively influences the host is due to how the curse was formed and fueled.

At the moment in time when a curse first came to be, there was a collision of multiple power sources, which together created the negative imprint. Many different fuel sources can become tied or caught up in powering a curse. For example, these can be emotions, negative thoughts, ill-wishes, traumatic experiences, the powers of nature, bodily fluids, spirits and much more.

We don’t fully understand why some curses stick, and some do not.

This is one of the many mysteries of life. If two people experience the exact same thing, they will still come out of it with a different experience. The reason a curse sticks has to do with timing, susceptibility, belief and investment of energy. I also believe that karma and divine order plays a part. 

I perform a curse unraveling for almost EVERY client of mine – that is how common this really is.

In 2022, the year that I’m writing this, curses are making themselves known, in subtle or drastic ways, for almost everyone. You may not have the language to describe what’s happening on an energetic level, but you’re likely still feeling the negative effects more than ever. I believe this is because the world is “waking up” to higher levels of consciousness as the winds of change continue to blow through our planet, increasing our energetic thresholds and initiating opportunities for greater healing and evolution.

This work is deeply sacred and shamanic by nature.

My clients have shared that some of the most powerful healing sessions are during curse-centered work. They can really feel the energy moving and ultimately, the freedom that follows when a curses imprint is lifted.

The beauty of this work is that curses don’t have to rule or ruin our lives, and that we do have the power and support systems (from our own sovereignty, Great Spirit, and our many compassionate spirit guides) to break them and heal our lifeforce and essence along the way. 

You may have an idea or a feeling that you’ve been cursed, or you may not be sure.

Reach out – things don’t have to remain the way they are.

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to schedule, and let’s discuss what’s best for you.

With Love Always, 

Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Why I Work With Empaths

Dear Soul,

Do you ever wonder why you take on so much?

Why you feel “off” around or after you’ve been with others?

Are you tired of feeling the pain of our distressed planet?

Are you tired of thriving only when you’re alone?

Well, you might be an Empath…it’s much more common than you think!

An Empath is a person who has a natural sensitivity to the energy of others and the world. You can be born with this, or it can develop over time.

Empaths play an essential role in society. They help to collectively usher humankind through vast challenges and changes.

Empaths are the compassionate feelers of the world!

I’m often asked why I’ve decided to support Empaths in my work, like the 12 week virtual course, Embody Your Empath, which begins Feb 9th 2022.

There are SO many reasons:
1. I’m a strong Empath. For the first 20 some years of my life, this was VERY difficult for me to manage.
2. Most of my clients and students are Empaths, too!

3. There are varying degrees and kinds of Empaths. Most people will feel empathy on occasion, but some feel it regularly…and to the point where it’s affecting everyday functioning.

4. Some Empaths don’t know that they’re an Empath! I didn’t realize it because it was my normal, until I began researching why I felt this way…

5. Most Empaths don’t understand what’s happening energetically. Eventually, I received the support of wonderful guides and teachers. Now it’s become a part of my soul’s journey to give back and support others in need.

6. If an Empath is unbalanced or inexperienced, it’s common to develop fatigue, discomfort and pain, sometimes even “chronically”. I used to feel exhausted after social interactions, lost in anxiety and overwhelmed by body aches as the “smoke”, or energy, from others weighed on me.

7. Empaths tend to grow more invested in others than themselves. For so long, I wasn’t aware that I was deferring or ignoring my feelings, thoughts and beliefs in an effort to please or protect others. But it makes sense…by doing so, I was avoiding feeling their discomfort!

8. Empaths are naturally drawn to helping others, animals or nature, personally or professionally. When an Empath stands fully in their truth and power, they’re able to emanate a stronger positive influence onto others and the world!

9. We need this work now, more than ever. In order to traverse these times with as much grace and ease, we must learn how to better manage energy!

10. This is deeply rewarding. It’s beautiful to witness the “Ah-has!” that come with developing and healing in community.

11. Lastly, Empath’s have a birthright to understand, balance and embody their sensitivity…not as a burden, but as a GIFT! 

Does this resonate with you?

Or do you have someone in mind?

There are 4 spots remaining for Embody Your Empath, which runs for 12 consecutive Wednesdays 2/9 – 4/27/22 @ 6-8p MST. 

We’ll engage in deep and interesting conversations, learn tools & techniques to support balance, and integrate healing energy through guided meditation, journeying and various other supportive practices.

The topics include: Care, Cleanse, Boundaries, Relate, Balance & Ground.

This course is for you if you’re ready and open to the work of learning about your sensitivity to help balance your energy. 

It’s especially valuable for those of you who work in service to others: Social Workers, Teachers, Therapists/Counselors, Medical Professionals and Healers of all kinds.

All sessions are online, recorded and sent to participants.

If you register by 1/26/22, you’ll receive a $150 early bird discount with code EMPATH22 at checkout!

I facilitate this course once or twice a year. Visit my website to view up-to-date event offerings!

2022 Blessings to you.

May this year open the door to greater fulfillment, purpose and power.
With Love,
Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Healing Sessions

Do you know I offer 1:1 intuitive healing sessions?!

 As a healerpsychic and medium, I work in the “dream” realms to initiate healing on deep, fundamental levels. Imbalances that show up mentally, emotionally and physically have a spiritual root, and need to be addressed within the “dream” realms, or Spirit realms, as the first step for lasting, positive change.

With the additional time at home, I’ve been able to take many “looks in the mirror” at my own energy, along with help clients look at theirs. The healing that is coming through during these sessions is profound to say the least!

I offer 4 sessions: The Journey
The Intuitive|The Womb Massage|The Clearing

Now that it’s safe, we’re meeting inside my healing space OR outside on the patio. I’m also continuing to do sessions via phone/zoom if you’re at a distance (by preference or location). More information about healing work here.
My favorite:
The Journey Session!
a 90-min deep dive into your energy & “dream” world

This session begins with meditative percussion and medicine songs in a field clearing. Then I use shamanic and psychic techniques to see and follow your Soul’s Journey through the “dream” or Spirit world, and channel the information that comes through via messages, symbols and metaphors relating to your needs, intentions and earthly life. 

This session provides Soul alignment, life clarity, healthy perspective and miraculous energetic healing! More info & booking for a Journey here. 

*If you are in a financial hardship, please contact me. Yes, I will work with you!

With Love, Shanin & Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Did you know Dreams create Reality?!

Shamans have long known the power of “dreams”, aka thoughts, beliefs, hopes and wishes. Dreams manifest and take form to create reality, consciously and unconsciously. What are you dreaming? What are you feeding with your thoughts and beliefs, and in turn your actions? Are you dreaming for a world filled with beauty? Or are you (consciously or unconsciously) feeding the web of fear and hate? What would it mean to be in alignment with your dreams? Personal dreams impact personal reality AND influence the collective web. Lately it’s become easy to enter into a space of overwhelm, helplessness, anger, blame and so on when trying to solve the world’s problems. No one can do it alone.

We, as humans, have been collectively disassociated from Earth and our Earth-bodies for quite some time. Meaning, we are distracted, numb and disconnected from reality. This isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s increased through the progression of technology and modern society.
We are seemingly more connected now than ever (via smart phones, social media, etc), but we are missing sense-oriented experiences (see, smell, feel, hear, taste) that allow us to regularly communicate and connect with the natural world, our bodies and each other.

Try to use your senses, especially feeling, to move through dense emotions rather than numbing out. There are many ways to do this safely, and I realize it takes perseverance!

I believe we must do our part to first look within ourselves before we can make effective, outward change. For millennia, the inner-healing methods of yogis, shamans, and spiritual beings alike have been known and respected. In order to create positive change for the collective world, we must first work to install change on an intrinsic and personal level.

The first step is to recognize the truth of reality. Work on that as long as you need! From there, you can begin to ask harder questions: How have I played a role in reality? Is there something I’m ready to do or let go of, so I can make space for healing and growth?

Trust that healing yourself is the best thing you can do for the planet right now!

With Love, Shanin & Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

“The Great Undoing” (A Prayer to Creator)

Me on a hike in Boulder, CO.

“The Great Undoing”

Undo what has been done
Step back and see the sun
Let go of all that which keeps me bound
Create space for what is, for what I’ve found
Along the way, day after day
The veil thins, and I pray:
“Oh powerful creator –
Free me of burdens and pressure
To be, something other than,
Myself fully.
Lift my spirits, and
Clear the smoke from in front of my eyes.
Bless my body, bless my home
And bless my loved ones, all beings of earth.
So that we may shine
and share our Truth
For the betterment and ascension of this planet.
Thank you, I salute –
To the sun, moon, stars, sky and earth
East, south, west and north.
Thank you, I pray –
Help me to see another day
Help me to serve my people
Help me to heal and grow
Until it is my time to go
Thank you for all that you do
May it be so – Thank You and I Love You.”

Love, Safety and Blessings, S

What is a Shaman?

My Buffalo Drum

A Shaman in its most fundamental and westernized terminology means Healer. However, all Healers practice different modalities, and some may not resonate with Shamanic specific techniques. Therefore, not all Healers are Shamans. This word is used often, especially in Boulder County, which in most cases is a great thing (as it speaks to the ancient practices being revolutionized to fit our changing world!), but it can also be a bit confusing. No, Shamans do not have to be from indigenous societies to be powerful practitioners and healers, although there are many that are. Shamanism stems back hundreds of thousands of years. We do not know exactly how far back, but it is shown in prehistoric cave drawings that there was reverence for the animals and people in the community.

Shaman also means “one who sees in the dark”. Shamans are frequently referred to as hollow; they act as channels for high vibrational Spirit energy to move through them for a specific purpose and intention. Shamans clearly see and heal through their ability to be heart-centered, present and open, yet humble and honest. Acting as hollow vessels for frequencies that we are typically closed off to in our everyday lives, Shamans are bridges between this world and the spiritual worlds. Shamans work closely with Spirit helpers and guides, power animals, angels, ancestors, nature beings and invisible forces to serve the highest good and benefit of all. They are highly intuitive and open to their psychic abilities by being connected to that which is greater. It is their mission to bring enhanced balance and ease to the people and life forms of Earth. It is also common for Shamans to work closely with herbs, rocks, minerals and other earthly spirits. A shaman knows and feels that there is a Spirit in all things and works to build “right” relationship with each.

Shamans understand the importance of ritual, community, ceremony and rites of passage. They were the original doctors back before we had Western medicine. Those in need would visit the Shaman for healing from everything and anything: physical symptoms, emotional pain, mental instability and more. Shamans understand that illness, disease, imbalance, pain and suffering are more complex than our modern society likes to think, however I do feel that this is changing. Shamans treat illness and imbalance on subtle levels, because they know that all physical things have a spiritual root. We would be silly to ignore the power of Western medicine today, but Shamanism can offer a deeper and adjacent route to address the ailment and provide positive, healthy change.

My Smudging Fan for Healing Work

There are many practices and techniques, including: Shamanic Journeys, Transmissions, Extractions, Soul Retrievals, Power Renewals and more. They also have many tools in their toolbox, not limited to: medicine songs, healing words, buffalo drums, rattles, feathers, herbs, plants, crystals and more.

Shamanic principles, practices and tools are available to all of us. You do not have to be called a Shaman to embrace the benefits! It is a way of life – to bring in greater harmony, respect, connection, truth, love and energy into the everyday. It is the path of direct revelation, meaning each person who lives a Shamanic life has their own unique experiences within it. It is not limited; there are no rights or wrongs; there are no rules. It is that of meaning and that of liberation. You and Spirit lead the way together.

I hope this information was valuable to you!

Wishing you a blessed & safe holiday, new year & new decade! XOXO, S

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Women’s Work: Womb Healing

A women’s womb is like an oven. Old stuff can get stuck in there and keep cooking and cooking until it’s scraped and cleaned out. This stuff can be from so long ago we have forgotten that it’s even there. Or maybe we can feel it, but don’t know how to clean it. Ovens are exceptionally hard to clean at this point. Or maybe we can’t feel it because we have cut ourselves off (energetically) from the waist, heart or throat down – simply to survive and save ourselves from being hurt or taken advantage of.

A women’s womb is like a cauldron. Incredible amounts of magic and potentiality are created here, stirred around, grown into form and birthed into reality.

We store a lot of external energy in our wombs and tend to gestate on it – whether it is for the birth of a baby or for the holding of past traumas and relationships. And yes, these sometimes unhealthy energies that we hold onto can be from past lives or from the women that have come before you in your lineage.

We have forgotten what it is like to claim our sexual space as firstly ours, and instead – we offer it to everyone else to please, fulfill and interact in ways by which we have been told is what it means to be a women.

Wear makeup. Lose weight. Gain weight. Be sexual. Too sexual. Not sexual enough. Be good. Be bad. Dye your hair. Tan your skin. Get your nails done. Wear jewelry. Wear a dress. Take the pill. Skip your period. Shame your blood. Shame your lack of blood. Be quiet. Shut up. Sit down. Smile. Say yes.


YOUR womb (physically your uterus) is begging you to listen to her. She speaks to you in a language of PMS, hormones, cramps, pain, pleasure, blood, emotions, energy, creativity and power. It is so important to be connected to your womb center (more important and first before heart center!). Listen to her language! Is she telling you she needs some help? 🗣

It is time to commune again with your sacred place.

I am honored to officially offer Womb Massage w/ Shamanic Healing. This Women’s specific session includes massage of client’s abdomen space to improve energy flow, centeredness and release of blockages in the womb. Physical touch along with psychic and subtle energy work are combined for the client’s greatest benefit. Receive messages and open channels for connection to Spirit and your guides. Working together for this unified intention and purpose, sessions result in the overall improved healing, health and restoration of your sacred, woman-ful space.

Womb Work can help with:
❤️Hormone Imbalances
❤️Painful or Irregular Periods
❤️Menopause & Perimenopause
❤️Low Libido
❤️Emotional & Sexual Trauma
❤️Pelvic & Back Pain
❤️Pelvic/Bladder/Rectal Dysfunction
❤️Pain with Sex
❤️GI Issues
❤️Food Intolerances
❤️Muscle Tightness
❤️Lack of Creativity
❤️Low Energy Levels
❤️Emotional Instability
❤️Prenatal & Postpartum Support
❤️& so much more!

*Clients will also be shown techniques for how to perform on their own.

Womb Massage w/ Shamanic Healing – 75 mins | $105
*In person in Lafayette, CO

Visit my website https://surrendertosoulwellness.com to schedule, and feel free to send a message with any questions about this work.

With Love Always,

Shanin Weisberg

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Contact: email @ surrendertosoul@yahoo.com

Look into my Eyes…What do you See?

Have you ever looked at yourself (in the eyes!) either in a mirror or in a picture? What did you see? 

It is universally said that the eyes are windows to the soul. What is your soul trying to tell you?

I have found that is it helpful to do this practice about once a week – with an open mind. I prefer to use a photograph as it makes the process easier for me. Try out “reading” yourself through looking at your eyes. Intuitively, do you sense a color, feeling, experience, or something else linked to your eyes? Have no agenda, and try to be as objective as possible – as if you do not know who you are looking at. This helps us get into our reflective/intuitive part of self, instead of the rational/structured part that will not like this practice 😛

You could even reflect on past photos that you have taken (where your eyes are open and looking at the camera). Do you notice a difference from then to now? 

What if you could capture your “now” eyes and compare them with your “future” eyes? What would change?

And a step further – if you could communicate with your “future” eyes, would they say something to you? Perhaps it’s a “don’t give up” or “you are so loved” or “you are perfect as you are.” Or maybe it’s a “keep moving forward” or “stay with it – all is coming” or “give yourself a break – you deserve it.” Perhaps it’s just a transmission of healing energy or a feeling. Your future eyes love your now eyes – that is for sure. 

What if you realized you are supported in more ways that you know? Our soul, the part of us that is eternal, wants to be involved with our lives here on Earth. Is there something you are doing that could help this connection and relationship? Perhaps you have wanted to leave a “soul-sucking” job for a while now. Perhaps you promised yourself that you were going to make it to your yoga mat or meditation cushion, but it hasn’t happened. Perhaps you are yearning for a more solid relationship with your Spirituality, but you haven’t given it energy that is needed for development. 

If we allow ourselves, we are always able to discern what is needed for healing, balance, and vitality – even in the more subtle parts of self (like our thoughts, emotions, and soul-self). The things that we are not able to see with our everyday eyes still have energy. How are you caring for yourself through your thoughts? What about your beliefs? Actions? Can you give yourself some space to feel – even if it is uncomfortable?

When we get comfortable, we can sometimes get complacent. We stop striving to be the best version of US that our future eyes KNOW is possible. Your future eyes want you to keep reaching for your potential, opening to the possibilities of the unknown…and to the best of your ability, welcoming the sometimes uncomfortable places in between. That is where the change, transformation, and transmutation is found. My guides like to call our present spot on Earth’s timeline “The Changing Times”. The world is going through a major up-leveling of collective vibration, which always means that we as individual souls are too.

Imagine looking at your future eyes again…the power, the luminosity, the freedom. What needs to happen to help you get there?

On the timeline of your life, there are moments that took or will take your breath away. Each of these moments are not guaranteed – because we never know when our “time” is up. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. We have all had difficult moments and experiences – but there are so many ways to continue growing and evolving alongside the current of life.

Most importantly and finally, LOVE your “now” eyes. <3

With Blessings & Love Always,

Shanin Weisberg

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.


Visit my website surrendertosoulwellness.com. Click here.