Do you ever wonder why you think, feel or act the way you do? Do you wonder why certain life experiences occur without logical explanation?
Karma plays a significant role in your life today – perhaps more than you may think.

Karma is a popular spiritual concept. It doesn’t have to provoke fear or threaten your power.
You can actually catapult your healing and growth journey through harnessing your ability to acknowledge, honor and work with your karma from a conscious, clear place.
Karma is so much more than “Do good, receive good” …or “Do bad, receive bad”.

In shamanic practice, there’s an understanding that the past is often placed onto one’s soul. Modern psychology believes that the intricacies of the mind, including beliefs and behaviors, are rooted in childhood. Both of these therapeutic lenses agree that the past (karma) directly impacts the present.
Since ancient times, shamans have worked to connect the physical with the spiritual.
This includes mending energies from the past in order to cultivate greater alignment with the present-day will, desire, trajectory and potential.

In my private healing practice, I often call a transference of energy that has occurred in the past but influences how energy flows in the present – a ‘soul imprint’.
Some refer to these as curses (you can read my blog about curses here), but I believe ‘imprint’ is more specific and accurate within this context.

Soul imprints are created when a past experience is dictating how, when and why energy flows in the present.
They participate in our evolution, often by inspiring awareness, healing and growth through adversity or through recognizing the disharmonies, imbalances, limitations or dysfunctions of the past and their effect.
What imprints the soul is among the aspects of karma.

It’s what you choose to do with your karma that matters most.
Your karma includes every experience, lesson, hardship, blessing, piece of knowledge gained and more – from this life, past lives and the lives of your ancestors.
Your karma shapes your thinking, feeling, acting, what experiences are drawn to you and for what purpose.
Karma is often associated with destiny – You may be destined to experience something in one way or another because of your karma.

Your will represents your drive and freedom – much like the saying ‘If there’s a will, there’s a way.”
As your awareness increases, your will shapes how you choose to move through your karma – This is what’s most important.

You carry your karma in what I call a ‘Spirit Pack’.
You were born into this life with a spiritual backpack – Your pack holds onto a multitude of purposeful energy that has yet to be fully actualized or integrated.
These energies are typically an array of lessons, ancestral carryovers, past life patterns, etc.
As you unpack and move through them, you inch closer to your soul’s innate divine evolution.

You can build upon your pack, or change or clear the quality of your pack, throughout life.
The energy in your ‘Spirit Pack’ is meant to be processed, navigated, transmuted, etc…Your Spirit Team wants to support you with this mission!

Your karma may be limiting or freeing or anything in between. Sometimes ‘negative’ karma is in fact necessary for a period of time.
The ‘negative’ connotation is relative because there’s eventually an opportunity to find or create resolution that’s a critical part of the soul’s greater evolution in and beyond life.
As each karma is integrated, the soul continues growing.

I personally believe each soul has the ability to work with, change and even clear undesirable karma through illuminating, acknowledging, owning and honoring their space/energy in totality.
This is helpful to do with a trusted professional. Through expressing your sovereignty, you’re able to become your own self-governing agency and directive. Rather than living by way of your undesirable karma, you have more space to live, be and move through life as you so choose for yourself.
Many of my clients end up receiving karma clearing work when there is unfavorable or unnecessary energy built up in their ‘Spirit Pack’ that does not align with their soul’s present-day level of awareness, needs, wishes or desires. We’re not meant to do this work alone!

There is a spiritual belief that if you’re unable to fully integrate the soul lessons that you’ve been asked to learn…
Then there is an increased likelihood of being chosen/willing to reincarnate into your next life to *try again* to unpack your karma through living on earth.
This happens to all souls to a certain degree. When it fully ‘lands’ and ‘clicks’, the next evolutionary phase begins!

There is also spiritual belief that your ancestors are actually versions of you from another time. Either way…
You inherit your ancestor’s triumphs, hardships, wounds, blessings, patterns and life experiences that add to your ‘Spirit Pack’ and karma.

Do you know what’s in your ‘Spirit Pack’? How do you work with your karma?
I’d be honored to support you in this, whether through 1:1 work or a class. {Although my private healing practice remains quite full, I am currently accepting new clients.}

You’re invited to join me in unpacking and exploring the karma of your soul in a 3-week class called ‘What’s in my Spirit Pack’?
This is class in person only in Lafayette, CO on 3 Friday evenings April 26th – May 10th from 5-7p.
There is more information here: Events (surrendertosoulwellness.com)
There are registration details here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18023483&appointmentType=57217109
There is a potential that this class will be offered virtually in the future – Please reach out if you’d be interested in this.

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to reach out or schedule – Let’s connect to see what’s coming up and how we can work with it.