“The Great Undoing”
Undo what has been done
Step back and see the sun
Let go of all that which keeps me bound
Create space for what is, for what I’ve found
Along the way, day after day
The veil thins, and I pray:
“Oh powerful creator –
Free me of burdens and pressure
To be, something other than,
Myself fully.
Lift my spirits, and
Clear the smoke from in front of my eyes.
Bless my body, bless my home
And bless my loved ones, all beings of earth.
So that we may shine
and share our Truth
For the betterment and ascension of this planet.
Thank you, I salute –
To the sun, moon, stars, sky and earth
East, south, west and north.
Thank you, I pray –
Help me to see another day
Help me to serve my people
Help me to heal and grow
Until it is my time to go
Thank you for all that you do
May it be so – Thank You and I Love You.”
Love, Safety and Blessings, S