Hello Beautiful One,
Below is an excerpt from an email newsletter that I sent out in February 2021. (You can sign up to receive newsletters from me here)
I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Maybe you have, too?
Last week, I had the privilege to go on a long overdue vacation. Today, I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to briefly escape the compounding stress that the pandemic has added to our lives, families, communities, businesses, etc. I almost decided to work while we were there! Although I have the gift of doing what I love, I am glad that I gave myself time to do a lot of nothing. Most days included walking on the beach, laughing with my sweetie, sitting in the sun, reading, swimming, snorkeling, etc.
Below are a few reflections from the last year: My “Pandemic Perspective”. Perhaps one or two things will resonate for you…
*Love is the most important thing. Love yourself first, then others, as the ultimate healing force. Sometimes, love is cooking for yourself or your family. Sometimes love is holding healthy boundaries. Sometimes love is saying no. Sometimes it’s saying yes. Love can be self-care or romantic dates, words of affirmation or a loving touch or look. Love is authenticity. Love is being willing to show up and support ourselves and each other, especially when it’s not easy. Love is the glue that holds us together for ever-lasting health, happiness and joy.
*Appreciate the small and simple things. More does not mean better. Bathe in the beauty of the moment…may it be with yourself, with others or with Nature. These moments are precious to our well-being.
*You cannot take on the worries of the world alone. Monitor how you consume your external environment, and then monitor how it influences you in return. Does it pull you out of your center or contaminate your truth? Your loved ones may have differing opinions than you, and that’s okay. Catching up on the media may cause you anxiety with no benefit. The food you eat holds a vibration that fuels or depletes your body’s vitality. Your thoughts carry energy that shape your reality. Let’s ask ourselves, does ___ serve me well?
*Shift your priorities to match your present. The things that mattered the most to you years ago may not matter now and visa versa. As the world changes, we change too.
*Gratitude is the key to abundance. An “attitude of gratitude” opens the door to fulfillment and wholeness of how things are. We can always find something to be grateful for.
Perspective is everything. It shifts in the blink of an eye. It changes the direction of our inner winds. I’d love to hear how your perspective has shifted over the last COVID year!
Click here if you’re curious about 1:1 healing work or check out the links below for detail on each session. The Intuitive, The Journey, The Spirit Release, The Space Clearing, The Womb Massage or The Mini
Stay well, and I hope to connect with you soon<3

With Love,
Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness