What if you could have everything you ever wanted?

What if you could open to the infinite potential within you – along with unlimited possibilities, hidden treasures, best-kept secrets, and more? Would you – if you knew you were also opening to long-forgotten memories, emotional undoings, and your deepest traumas? Would you take the risk? Would you open the flood gates – if you knew it meant manifesting visions, achieving dreams, and at the same time releasing heavy subtle-body (energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual) wounding? It is worth it? To have everything we desire, and more…at the cost of truly being with ourselves, at an incredibly vulnerable and deep level. To have one we must also have the other. Would you do it?
Life is constantly moving, changing, progressing…we know that and can attest to it. Sometimes along the way, while we are rafting or swimming or rather being tossed through our river of life, we can sub/unconsciously create dams or blocks. We are intelligent human AND spiritual beings, and our bodies hold onto and can therefore unlock the greatest wisdom of all. It is now actually being proven that generational trauma is a real thing – we can inherit and absorb trauma, karma, and past-pain from our family lineage and childhood environments, and keep it tucked away somewhere deep in our body until it is fully open, cleared and healed. The cells in our bodies remember, even if our minds do not. When the time was that we sub/unconsciously created these dams, it was for survival purposes only. In the midst of these long-forgotten memories, emotions, and woundings – we intelligently carved a new path, and journeyed along the shore around the dam, to continue streaming forward on our river of life. Now it’s years, decades, centuries or more later, and that dam still exists but now unnecessarily, and is impacting our intrinsic flow and our ability to dream, manifest, create, and achieve what our soul knows is possible for our present and future life.
Would you initiate your gates to open?
It doesn’t have to be in a life-shattering, earth-quaking, tsunami-unleashed way. It can be a gradual, ease-filled, spirit-supported, beautiful unveiling of who you are really are. Imagine setting yourself free from dams set up long ago, assisting your water of life’s onward flow, unlocking chains from your past, and connecting to your future vision, soul-self, potential and divinity.
Are you ready? Would you open the flood gates?

Thank you for reading. Please visit my web page https://surrendertosoulwellness.com/ to read more about receiving an in-person or long-distance Shamanic Intuitive Healing.
With Love Always,
Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness
Enhance. Embody. Empower.