Curses have been around since the beginning of time.
However in our modern western culture, we’re not typically attuned to their nature. Knowledge, dialogue and practices surrounding curses were much more popular in ancient civilizations, although they continue to play a large role in some cultures today. However no matter your culture, you cannot escape the potential of being affected by a curse.
Curses are much more common than you would think.
A curse is anything that creates a harmful energetic imprint on your field and therefore affects certain aspects of your life by predestining you to a specific repeating, limiting or negative outcome. They tend to present in patterns…occurrences of similar thoughts, behaviors or experiences, which are created from the imprint on your field. Curses keep us stuck and pigeon-hold our highest potential for continuous growth, learning and healing.

Have you ever felt that no matter what, you can’t change ___?
Or do you feel like you’re trapped within a certain place in life or frame of mind?
Or is there a similar, unfavorable experience that always seems to happen in some way or another?
If yes, you may be feeling the impact of a curse.

Curses can (but don’t always) change over time…they can begin by affecting certain things, then eventually they can morphe to influence other things.
To some, a curse may be a blessing. And to others, a blessing may actually be a curse. Curses are extremely subjective.

It’s also possible to harbor multiple curses. One of my teachers, Betsy Bergstrom, speaks on how curses have their own atmosphere within the host’s natural, larger field. When we work with or feel into a curse, they tend to relay in a pressurized, sticky, murky, gooey, or miasmic way.
Some curses are created intentionally with conscious direction, and some are created unintentionally without conscious direction. Curses can be generational; or they can be carried over from past lives; or they can be created from this lifetime. It’s also possible to create and inflict a curse onto yourself!

The reason a curse negatively influences the host is due to how the curse was formed and fueled.
At the moment in time when a curse first came to be, there was a collision of multiple power sources, which together created the negative imprint. Many different fuel sources can become tied or caught up in powering a curse. For example, these can be emotions, negative thoughts, ill-wishes, traumatic experiences, the powers of nature, bodily fluids, spirits and much more.
We don’t fully understand why some curses stick, and some do not.
This is one of the many mysteries of life. If two people experience the exact same thing, they will still come out of it with a different experience. The reason a curse sticks has to do with timing, susceptibility, belief and investment of energy. I also believe that karma and divine order plays a part.

I perform a curse unraveling for almost EVERY client of mine – that is how common this really is.
In 2022, the year that I’m writing this, curses are making themselves known, in subtle or drastic ways, for almost everyone. You may not have the language to describe what’s happening on an energetic level, but you’re likely still feeling the negative effects more than ever. I believe this is because the world is “waking up” to higher levels of consciousness as the winds of change continue to blow through our planet, increasing our energetic thresholds and initiating opportunities for greater healing and evolution.
This work is deeply sacred and shamanic by nature.

My clients have shared that some of the most powerful healing sessions are during curse-centered work. They can really feel the energy moving and ultimately, the freedom that follows when a curses imprint is lifted.
The beauty of this work is that curses don’t have to rule or ruin our lives, and that we do have the power and support systems (from our own sovereignty, Great Spirit, and our many compassionate spirit guides) to break them and heal our lifeforce and essence along the way.
You may have an idea or a feeling that you’ve been cursed, or you may not be sure.
Reach out – things don’t have to remain the way they are.

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to schedule, and let’s discuss what’s best for you.

With Love Always,
Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness