What would change if you could be more aware of the energy behind thoughts, words and actions?
The words you think, and the words you speak, hold power. The same is true for your actions. And you can bring others (energy) into the picture when you think, say or do things that involve them.

We can easily tie our energy to others by the things that we think, say or do.
This concept is shamanic in nature (spirit-based) and was/is understood by ancient and indigenous cultures from around the world.
‘Tying energy’ is not innately negative. It can be used for specific beneficial purposes. However, for the purpose of this blog, we will focus on how this kind of energy can be significantly limiting…

How you think, how you speak, or how you do something significantly influences the power of underlying energy…
It’s less about WHAT you think, say or do…but HOW!

Energy is much more complex than we often realize.
It lives within everything and can be easily influenced – whether by our own doing, by others, by our family and friends, by our environment (past or present), by nature or spirit, and more.
Things like intention, purpose and resonance influence the underlying energy behind thoughts, words and actions.

The type of thought and the direction it leads affects the energy that’s behind it.
Tone, cadence and volume affect the energy behind words.
The feeling that you have as you do something affects the energy that fuels an action.
There are many other factors!

Have you ever noticed the presence of an energetic string that was attached to something that was said or done to or for you?
For example, when someone says one thing, but means something else. Or when someone does one thing, but anticipates something else in return, with or without full disclosure or consent. Perhaps you have said or done things in this way too.
Energetic strings can easily live within expectations, anticipations, obligations, debts and more.
Shamanically, strings can also live within curses, oaths, vows, promises, dedications, devotions, traumas (abuse, neglect, manipulation, etc.) and more.

Strings, ties and bindings come into play when a certain kind of underlying energy is not at the forefront of an exchange in a clear and communicative way.
When something is strung, tied or bound, it locks the energy into a specific place or aspect for a specific reason or purpose, which then helps it to stay put. This typically creates a negative energetic influence.

When you expect something, you can easily end up tying an energetic string to that potential outcome. This might lead you into an unfavorable territory if the outcome doesn’t come to be in the way you expected (ex. disappointment). If I have an expectation about something, I also invite a level of openness, discovery and trust in that things naturally unfold in the best of ways, even if I don’t understand how or why. To me, this is a practice of having an intention while surrendering to the outcome.
The same is true for anticipations, which are quite similar energetically to expectations. When you anticipate, you could be reaching a string to that thing, which would then pull you from your body, and the present space and time, towards what it is that you’re anticipating or expecting. These energies could surface as anxiety, having a ‘busy’ or ‘distracted’ mind, feeling disconnected from current sensations and feelings in the body, and in some cases, the experience of catastrophic thinking (worse-case scenarios playing over and over).
The energy of obligation tends to go hand-in-hand with energetic strings. When you feel obligated to do or say something, you are being pulled in the direction of that string, regardless of if you want it/to or not. This generally does not feel good. Obligation tends to create feelings of guilt or even shame if it’s not fulfilled, regardless of the bigger energetic picture at play.
Debts without a doubt create energetic strings – Hopefully ones that are fully agreed to and deemed of worth to the holder of the debt. Debts that appear after-the-fact (ex. through the ‘you owe me’ mentality) represent the existence of energetic strings that were not originally at the surface, nonetheless still existed. I think about the giving of a “gift” that actually had strings attached. Or how some parents can make their children feel indebted to them simply because they are their parents, without consideration of their children’s best interest, or if they even served their children well at a larger scale.

In the simplest of terms, a curse is a very common kind of energetic climate that places a hold on an individual’s space, which limits, restricts or governs their destiny in unfavorable or undesirable ways, typically through repeating patterns, behaviors, situations and outcomes. A curse is a type of foreign energy, which means it’s not authentic or original to those affected. Although, the energy of the curse still lives within or overshadows those affected through a negative influence.
Curses can include the energy of strings, ties and bindings. This would in turn anchor the limiting climate and negative influence of the curse even more into the spaces of effect through having additional energies that, for example, keep it in place or hold what is being tied or pinned. To learn more about curses, read this blog: What is a CURSE?! Are They Common? – Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness Blog (surrendertosoulwellnessblog.com)
Oaths, vows and promises can easily create strings that bind the receiver of the oath, vow or promise to what is sworn to, for or by. Cultures including the Norse (Viking), Gaelic (Irish/Scottish), Old English and many others have detailed accounts of these energies existing within them.
If a dedication or devotion is made, it’s possible that the dedicate-ee or devote-ee creates energetic strings that intertwines them with what the dedication or devotion is to or for. Hindu culture, amongst others, have this imbued in their cosmology.

When working with these energies, it’s important to consider the terms put in place and the life span of the energy.
It’s quite common to overlook these things upon the creation of the energy, regardless of how it comes to be.
Energies can be put in place for a specific purpose and length of time, which would then hold firm for that period of time, sometimes even if circumstances change.
It’s possible for these to remain in effect throughout various lifetimes of the soul and/or affect generational lines and/or the lands we live on or come from.
Note: In my experience, almost all kinds of these energies are workable and do NOT have to continue in the same manner. Most things are able to be cleared, reworked or renegotiated – given new levels of awareness, circumstances and the individual’s right to their own optimal well-being.

This might propel you to think about or feel into how energies of the like may be influencing your well-being…
Energy lives within and fuels everything – therefore it influences and manifests within your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Your well-being is connected to the concept of sovereignty –
Sovereignty is a birthright that means you have the right to be in service to your own well-being in an authentic and beneficial manner.
With sovereignty, you have the ability to be your own self-governing individual, with agency and authority over your energy, thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions, so that they are of benefit and in right relation to you. Becoming sovereign includes becoming aware of your energetic space and what lives within or in accordance with it.

One of my teachers, Betsy Bergstrom, speaks beautifully about these teachings.
Betsy shares that becoming sovereign is a path, and our relationship to sovereignty grows and evolves over time, just as we do. Learn more about Betsy’s work here: About | Spirit-Wise
Sovereignty comes into play if there are energetic strings (created through a thought, expression or action) that tie or bind the sovereignty of those involved together (under a specific set of terms, conditions and period of time).

Some people have more power at their disposal to harness or create these energies.
Strings, ties or bindings can be created with love, or with the opposite, and anything in between.
There is an amount of intent involved, although it could be from a sub/unconscious place. And intent doesn’t equal impact. Even with the best of intentions, the impact can become something different.
When we’re stringed to something, we’re connected to it and influenced by it, whether we want it, like it, agree with it, or not.

There are many factors to consider when working with these energies.
Sometimes we do not or cannot fully understand what we’re getting ourselves into, or what we’re energetically agreeing to, or what is being forced onto us, or what still stands today even if the circumstances or arrangement has changed.

It’s possible to create energetic strings where your sovereignty and the sovereignty of someone/something else becomes intertwined. This means your will and the will of someone/something else is also intertwined.
Will is an aspect of sovereignty that influences personal power, energy levels, drive, sense of self, vitality, lifeforce and more.
I tend to visualize the tying or binding of sovereignty or will as a braid. The different sources of will can be braided together into one.

When your will is tied to someone else’s, or vice versa, there is a shift of influence.
This alters the field of energy that you share and impacts each individual (energetic) space of those involved. The quality of energy, thinking, expression, behavior, desire, motivation, even life path direction and more can be influenced as a result.
Energy is influenced much more often than we would like to think or realize.
It’s possible for an influence of the like to be of benefit, if there is conscious consent, understanding and choice for all parties involved, and if there is a potential for renegotiation if/when circumstances change.

It’s likely for these energetic situations to become undesirable or unfavorable if things are forced, withheld, repressed (sub/unconscious), altered, unknown, or coming to be through ulterior motives.
Often there is a lack of consent or comprehension about the totality of what’s happening, what or who’s involved, what the arrangement entails, for how long, and why.

Ancient and indigenous cultures knew/know that when something is thought, voiced or acted upon, it creates a line of energy that directs the soul.
For example, cultures have been intentionally tying or weaving prayer into reality through clothing, jewelry, tapestries, carpets, flags, baskets and more, which brings the energy of the intention and the energy of blessing into the everyday world.

Where and how is your soul being influenced, directed or affected through what you think… how you think it…what you say…how you say it…what you do…and how you do it?

There is a lot to consider here.
I work with clients to provide support, clarity and healing regarding these energies (whether it has occurred in this life, a past life, or in a client’s generational line) in my private practice, Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness.
Personally, I always strive for conscious intent, consent and comprehension. This is a work in progress.
We want to empower ourselves and others to make rightful and authentic choices and actions that are beneficial and supportive of well-being, firstly personally and therefore collectively. I believe what is in alignment with (the greatest and highest version of) personal well-being is also in alignment with (the greatest and highest) collective well-being.

We want to advocate for our own and one another’s sovereignty.
We don’t give ourselves enough credit to honor and acknowledge the power and influence we have over our own world, and the world of someone/something else.

Part of our personal and collective healing work resides in becoming sovereign through becoming aware of the energy behind thoughts, words and actions.
Awareness of strings, ties or bindings can be elusive, shadowed or hidden to those being influenced. Sometimes, a shift occurs in life that brings forth the clarity of need.
Whether of your own doing or someone/something else’s, in the past or the present, it is possible to work with these energies through a variety of energy, intuitive and shamanic healing techniques.
These kinds of energies require an attuned eye to neutrally, objectively and clearly view the energetic situation, so it can be tended to in a way that’s compassionate, ease-ful, functional, sustainable, graceful and beneficial for the well-being of the client.

You do not have to suffer through the negative influence of these energies on your own. And, you do not have to try to repair them on your own!
If you feel you have been subjected to or involved in something of the like, there are many ways that you can bring more awareness into the workings of your energetic space. Things like yoga, breathwork, meditation, journaling, self-reflection, specialized therapeutic support and/or energy work encourage and promote this.

It is possible to move forward with greater sovereignty, truth, authenticity, power, potential, freedom and flow!

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to reach out or schedule – Let’s discuss what’s going on and how we can work with it.