How often do we REALLY let ourselves Love?!
I came across this Universal understanding and participated in the Collective opening over the last weekend…I was blessed to have attended a powerful Womens Retreat in the mountains of Estes Park, led and organized by a great friend and gifted yoga leader, Brooke Coletta. The retreat was filled with Healers, Teachers, Mothers, Daughters, and Students to SHE (the Wild Woman). The group theme was all about deepening our relationship the Feminine, while letting ourselves nourish and nurture from the inside out. Shout-out to Brooke for being the fiercely loving and authentic leader that she is! I had the honor of facilitating a group Shamanic Healing with mini personal readings during yoga, as well as leading the Full Moon Ceremony & Journey on Sunday night (picture of altar above). WOW – I am still blown away by the depth, connection, and sisterhood that develops when we truly LET OURSELVES LOVE.
What is your relationship to LOVE? Is it easier for you to give than receive? Do you find yourself receiving more than you give? What would it take for you to deepen your relationship with this equally Earthly and Cosmic force that connects us to all that is? Where do you feel these words in your body?
To quote the Beatles… “All you need is LOVE.”
I hear you… “But isn’t Love supposed to be shared?” “What if I don’t have a partner to express my Love to?” “I feel numb inside…how am I supposed to fill up with just the energy of Love?”
Truth is, Love is a Universal energy that is available to us in every moment.
You can experience Love within the rhythm of your breath, especially receiving it as you drink in each inhale. Have you ever stepped outside and invited a BIG breath of fresh air deep into your lungs, heart and body? That’s Universal Love! You can bathe in the Love of Grandmother Moon as she radiates power in the night sky and encourages you to release and let go of your uncertainty, fears and doubts. Have you ever gazed in wonder at the moon and stars as they appear as light sparked in the darkness…or at the rays of the sun as they penetrate and illuminate the clouds? That’s Love!
You have all the power you need to feel Love in every action you take, every step you walk, even every physical experience you have through manifested form. This is the gift of being human. We are able to use our senses, inner and outer, to perceive and experience the Love of Life. Sometimes, because of conditioning and embedded non-truths, we forget.
Have you lost your sparkle that glistens in the early morning as you wake, emerging into the dawn of a new day? Have you forgotten what it feels like to be grateful as you close your eyes and rest at night, drifting into the dreamtime? Have you unintentionally deemed Love as something that is irrelevant and insignificant to your everyday Life?
Once felt, Love is expressed through the different actions we take – admiring nature, purchasing flowers, vocalizing feelings, showing up for someone in need, snuggling with a loved one or pet, and yes – through sex. But Love is not limited. It is not able to be contained or boxed when we are experiencing it through the unconditional, dynamic and infinite eyes of the Universe. The process of opening to Love is a constant.
In what ways can you open so that you are able to let MORE Love in?
This is definitely a vulnerable state to be in – to say the least – AND it is a practice that shows us something more, again and again. Our society likes to tell us that we must be tough, strong and closed-off, while hiding our authentic selves, in order to be accepted and loved by partners, friends, communities and the greater world. This is simply not true. Also, we have many celebrity rockstars leading the pack (like Billie Eilish and Lady Gaga) that give me hope for the changes that are occurring in our society.
Humans are on a desperate search for connection. We hold within us an innate, heart-felt desire to connect…to something!
Truth. Love. Energy.
These 3 Shamanic principles are coming through big time for us as both human and spiritual beings, crocheted into the collective Web of Life. We are all works in progress. You owe it to yourself, over anyone else, to let some Love in – as it is right for you!
Love is all around you – waiting patiently – for the Divine moment to crack you open in ways that you have only dreamt about. It is also true that any heartbreak, loss, grief, desperation, abandonment, etc. hollows you in a way so that you can eventually experience MORE Love, because there is newfound space for it to enter Mind, Body and Spirit. I personally believe that although these are generally undesirable pathways to get there, devastating emotions are some of the most effective conduits for connecting us to something Greater.
Your entire existence is rooted in Love. Can you let it in?
It is my sincerest wish that we all Love and let ourselves be Loved – by Earth and nature, by ourselves and each other, by the greater Universe and the Web that connects us all. And So It Is!
With Blessings & Love Always,
Shanin Weisberg