This time of year offers a pleasant reminder that no matter your experience of winter or the past, rebirth is inevitable. It is then partially our choice, partially Divine unfoldment, whether we are capable to let go of that which (unhealthily) binds us to past struggles, or embrace the lessons learned with a sense of closure and completion.
We are cyclic beings, much like Earth, since we are her people. Each cycle has its season; each season, a cycle. However, it has recently become clear in the collective Earth energy field that unhealthy repeating cycles may finally be ready to be broken! Finally, truth-telling light is shined upon these unhealthy cycles (in sometimes sudden, seemingly life-shattering but actually life-awakening ways), allowing them to be fully healed and rebirthed anew. This is all for your greatest benefit, ascension and unfolding. Others in your life that once participated in these unhealthy cycles may show their true colors, in telling, harsh or abrasive ways.
This results in a big shift and change in perspective. Something(s) you were once blind to, you are now able to see. This may also cause quite an upbringing of emotions and memories, self-blame and criticism, but Beautiful Being, please keep on and know that you are not alone in this process. Earth stands with you, as do many of us, including Eagle and all Bird Spirits. Old programming, belief systems and skewed perspectives are coming to the light to be observed, felt and cleared.
You cannot force yourself to become conscious of the unconscious, but rather continue to surrender to the breath and trust the process and practices that connect you to that which is greater, to balance and to Spirit. Remain open to receive this connection to Spirit as it lives strongly, especially now, within the Air you breathe.
We are being asked to meet the dawning of each new day with centered presence, surrender and hope.

I am with you, and you with me. With Love Always, Shanin