Do you know I offer 1:1 intuitive healing sessions?! As a healer, psychic and medium, I work in the “dream” realms to initiate healing on deep, fundamental levels. Imbalances that show up mentally, emotionally and physically have a spiritual root, and need to be addressed within the “dream” realms, or Spirit realms, as the first step for lasting, positive change. With the additional time at home, I’ve been able to take many “looks in the mirror” at my own energy, along with help clients look at theirs. The healing that is coming through during these sessions is profound to say the least! I offer 4 sessions: The Journey| The Intuitive|The Womb Massage|The Clearing Now that it’s safe, we’re meeting inside my healing space OR outside on the patio. I’m also continuing to do sessions via phone/zoom if you’re at a distance (by preference or location). More information about healing work here. |
My favorite: The Journey Session! a 90-min deep dive into your energy & “dream” world This session begins with meditative percussion and medicine songs in a field clearing. Then I use shamanic and psychic techniques to see and follow your Soul’s Journey through the “dream” or Spirit world, and channel the information that comes through via messages, symbols and metaphors relating to your needs, intentions and earthly life. This session provides Soul alignment, life clarity, healthy perspective and miraculous energetic healing! More info & booking for a Journey here. *If you are in a financial hardship, please contact me. Yes, I will work with you! With Love, Shanin & Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness |