What is a Shaman?

My Buffalo Drum

A Shaman in its most fundamental and westernized terminology means Healer. However, all Healers practice different modalities, and some may not resonate with Shamanic specific techniques. Therefore, not all Healers are Shamans. This word is used often, especially in Boulder County, which in most cases is a great thing (as it speaks to the ancient practices being revolutionized to fit our changing world!), but it can also be a bit confusing. No, Shamans do not have to be from indigenous societies to be powerful practitioners and healers, although there are many that are. Shamanism stems back hundreds of thousands of years. We do not know exactly how far back, but it is shown in prehistoric cave drawings that there was reverence for the animals and people in the community.

Shaman also means “one who sees in the dark”. Shamans are frequently referred to as hollow; they act as channels for high vibrational Spirit energy to move through them for a specific purpose and intention. Shamans clearly see and heal through their ability to be heart-centered, present and open, yet humble and honest. Acting as hollow vessels for frequencies that we are typically closed off to in our everyday lives, Shamans are bridges between this world and the spiritual worlds. Shamans work closely with Spirit helpers and guides, power animals, angels, ancestors, nature beings and invisible forces to serve the highest good and benefit of all. They are highly intuitive and open to their psychic abilities by being connected to that which is greater. It is their mission to bring enhanced balance and ease to the people and life forms of Earth. It is also common for Shamans to work closely with herbs, rocks, minerals and other earthly spirits. A shaman knows and feels that there is a Spirit in all things and works to build “right” relationship with each.

Shamans understand the importance of ritual, community, ceremony and rites of passage. They were the original doctors back before we had Western medicine. Those in need would visit the Shaman for healing from everything and anything: physical symptoms, emotional pain, mental instability and more. Shamans understand that illness, disease, imbalance, pain and suffering are more complex than our modern society likes to think, however I do feel that this is changing. Shamans treat illness and imbalance on subtle levels, because they know that all physical things have a spiritual root. We would be silly to ignore the power of Western medicine today, but Shamanism can offer a deeper and adjacent route to address the ailment and provide positive, healthy change.

My Smudging Fan for Healing Work

There are many practices and techniques, including: Shamanic Journeys, Transmissions, Extractions, Soul Retrievals, Power Renewals and more. They also have many tools in their toolbox, not limited to: medicine songs, healing words, buffalo drums, rattles, feathers, herbs, plants, crystals and more.

Shamanic principles, practices and tools are available to all of us. You do not have to be called a Shaman to embrace the benefits! It is a way of life – to bring in greater harmony, respect, connection, truth, love and energy into the everyday. It is the path of direct revelation, meaning each person who lives a Shamanic life has their own unique experiences within it. It is not limited; there are no rights or wrongs; there are no rules. It is that of meaning and that of liberation. You and Spirit lead the way together.

I hope this information was valuable to you!

Wishing you a blessed & safe holiday, new year & new decade! XOXO, S

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Power With vs. Power Over

Feeling empowered on retreat in Mexico.

This phrase really stuck with me lately. What is the difference between “Power With” vs. “Power Over”?

Power With has the essence of community and equality interwoven within words that encourage us to rise together, whereas Power Over has feelings of hierarchy and authority within words that keep us small, pushed down, and separate.

Power struggles. We see so much of this happening in our world today. As conscious humans, we know this struggle will first take place within us before we manifest and project it out. This has been going on for centuries. From a Shamanic view, we dream our world into being. Our dream is our mental programming, belief systems, stories, visions, and hopes for the world. From this place within our mind do we collectively create our world today, and our world today is very entangled with distorted Powers and redundant means of control.

When Power and control are involved, fear and/or anger will usually come crippling in through the back door. Most of us get a noticeable internal response when we interact with concepts of Power, if we allow ourselves to feel the resonance. It is important to note that we must feel this fully to move through our fears and angers (perhaps while also asking for outside support), so that we come out seeing clear and on the other side. Internally, Power is directly related to our self-esteem, and is not something to fear, no matter much our society encourages us to fear of our own Power. The structures and norms put in place collectively and independently by our society are directly associated to the “Power Over” concept. The powers that be are invisibly intelligent; the world at which we know it is sculpted to keep us conformed, stuck, obeying, impoverished, and seemingly powerless. Shamanically, a loss of power can result in mood disorders, lack of energy, and more. This is the card from which we have been dealt at this point in human evolution, so to say, but it does not dictate the outcome or fulfillment of our lives or the lives of the future generations to come! The “work” always starts with us, and it is beginning to change our world already!

Power is related to an expression of Masculine, solar energy. We know (no matter our gender) that all of Life is comprised of complimentary and opposing energies that can be labeled as Masculine and Feminine, solar and lunar. How we relate to Power is a good starting point when digging deeper into how we relate to the Masculine as a whole. This awareness is very much needed during the present revolutionary time on the pages of the book of humanity. We are all being asked to upgrade how we relate to, express, and work with our own Power. Without a need for explanation, it is known we live in a man-made society. This patriarchal world we live in has put a lot of unnecessary pressure onto both men and woman alike.

It is time to cultivate Divine Power, instead of seeking it externally by means of gaining control or authority over. Divine Power does not cause coercion, but instead creates a harmonious uprising of universal confidence, purification and transformation. This is the concept of “Power With”. Energetically, Divine Power is sparked in our upper abdomen/middle back and is located in our Solar Plexus/3rd Chakra. This is the space where we connect to our vibrant inner sun. When allowing, the rays from our Solar Plexus shine from inward to outward, illuminating and encouraging ourselves, our relationships, and our communities to grow, change and rise for the greatest good of all. Discover ways to empower yourself, so that you may empower others around you in return. This may be through your efforts to eat healthy, exercise, be of service to your community, etc. That is for you to decide! Through this process of empowerment, we are continuously shedding and aligning with higher versions of ourselves and the world as a whole.

Power is indefinitely related to the element of Fire – together we rise up and light the sky, or together we burn down and dissolve into ash. Perhaps we must first burn down to rise up…

May you find ways to connect to your Divine Power within. <3

Thank you for reading! Please visit my website here for more information on Healings (available long distance!), recipes, and more.

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

With Love,

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Shanin Weisberg

Ride the Waves

Yoga in Xinalani, Mexico.

Recently I attended a beautiful Sound Healing where I set intentions to be open to receive any healing messages for myself, for those I love, for the greatest good of our planet, and for the greatest benefit of Life on Earth. My promise that evening was to act as a completely open vessel for truth, sight, love, and energy. It is also a very good reminder that we always have the ability to receive guidance from our helpers in the “unseen” worlds. With my intention, the messages certainly came through!

“Float, Don’t Fight. Think, Don’t Sink.”

This was one of many that came through that evening from Helping Spirits like Bear, the Elemental Spirit of Water, and even Celestial Beings like Angels. These Spirits are wanting to help provide a greater sense of ease on Earth as they assist us during this intense time of transition, evolution, and change. We can interpret this time personally within ourselves, outwardly in our relationships, and even globally throughout the world.

Living on Earth is certainly a beautiful miracle, but it does come with conditional challenges, waves, and cycles. As I have spoken about previously, Life is not linear. Over the past month, and specifically in the last week, it has become very clear to me that we are all riding the waves of our emotions and of our lives.

It is up to us if we choose to float with the current, fight against the motion, or sink into the depths.

In the Native traditions that I have studied and intuited, West and Water andBear are all united. West is the place where the sun sets every evening, promising us a chance to rest in darkness and renew in peace. The blackness of the sky is subtly illuminated by the nightlight of the moon and stars. This provides us a time to sleep, to recover, and to even shine glimmers of light on karmic patterns/beliefs/stories that are no longer encouraging the coming dawn of the next day – aka our Path/Purpose/Future in Life. Water as an Elemental offers us the potential to rejuvenate, cleanse, and wash away what is not in alignment with our true Self. Bear as the Spirit Guardian of the West provides us with the promise of the natural cycle of hibernation and reflection. Bear promises us a chance to go within to rest and heal, while also being protected, nurtured, and held safe while doing so. Perhaps you can feel for yourself how interconnected the “medicine” (or the teachings) of these are.

I saw clearly, and I feel strongly, that this is playing out right now within us and all around us.

There is profound opportunity and potential for the closure and finalized healing of certain dated ways of living and being that no longer serve our coming future. 

These karmic bonds are being loosened and are asking for our awareness and acceptance in order to fully heal and close the cycle. During this process, there is potential for the opening of new doors and ways to shine our intrinsic Lights, all while staying grounded and rooted as humans of Earth. We have the ability to free ourselves from our pasts and create opportunities for our future, if we are willing to bring awareness around the ways that we may have encouraged those patterns to play out in our Lives until now.

We CAN clear and release karmic cycles, IF we allow ourselves the permission to ride the waves of our emotions, express how we feel, and ultimately trust in the flow that is always carrying us through.

Water wants to help us do this. As an ally, water can indefinitely guide us into a place of authentic truth, fluidity, and clear expression of who we are, how we feel, and what we are here to “do”.

We are aligning so that we may ride the waves of our lives in a more compassionate, balanced, and harmonious way with not only ourselves, but also with each other and the greater Mother Earth.

Honoring the waters with presence and movement in CO.

Home Practice: Working with Water

*Bring awareness around water’s abilities while you are washing your hands, doing dishes, cleaning laundry, showering, etc.

*Offer gratitude for and mindfulness towards the water you drink and interact with each day.

*Honor the waters of the Earth and Sky. Spend time next to a local body of water/stream or collect fresh rain water outside – keep it in a special place in your home to remind you of the fluidity and help you are receiving!

*Take a rejuvenating Salt Bath. Epson/Mineral Salt combined with hot water in a bath helps to universally cleanse Mind, Body, & Spirit in an enjoyable and ease-filled way. Add essential oils or light candles to continue to create a healing space for yourself. I also like to call in healing energy from my Guides to help do this. Make it what you want! You may also want to try out this incantation: Speak out loud with conviction “Into the water and down the drain, goes all my worries, goes all my pain.” while you are exiting the bath, watching the water go down the drain. Repeat at least 3 times. Notice how you feel after!

*Listen to your intuition and respect how YOU are guided to work with Water!

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

With Love Always,

Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Chef, Shamanic Energy Healer

(443) 974-8598 | surrendertosoul@yahoo.com | surrendertosoulwellness.com