Can You Let Yourself Love?

How often do we REALLY let ourselves Love?!

I came across this Universal understanding and participated in the Collective opening over the last weekend…I was blessed to have attended a powerful Womens Retreat in the mountains of Estes Park, led and organized by a great friend and gifted yoga leader, Brooke Coletta. The retreat was filled with Healers, Teachers, Mothers, Daughters, and Students to SHE (the Wild Woman). The group theme was all about deepening our relationship the Feminine, while letting ourselves nourish and nurture from the inside out. Shout-out to Brooke for being the fiercely loving and authentic leader that she is! I had the honor of facilitating a group Shamanic Healing with mini personal readings during yoga, as well as leading the Full Moon Ceremony & Journey on Sunday night (picture of altar above). WOW – I am still blown away by the depth, connection, and sisterhood that develops when we truly LET OURSELVES LOVE.

What is your relationship to LOVE? Is it easier for you to give than receive? Do you find yourself receiving more than you give? What would it take for you to deepen your relationship with this equally Earthly and Cosmic force that connects us to all that is? Where do you feel these words in your body?

To quote the Beatles… “All you need is LOVE.”

I hear you… “But isn’t Love supposed to be shared?” “What if I don’t have a partner to express my Love to?” “I feel numb inside…how am I supposed to fill up with just the energy of Love?”

Truth is, Love is a Universal energy that is available to us in every moment.

You can experience Love within the rhythm of your breath, especially receiving it as you drink in each inhale. Have you ever stepped outside and invited a BIG breath of fresh air deep into your lungs, heart and body? That’s Universal Love! You can bathe in the Love of Grandmother Moon as she radiates power in the night sky and encourages you to release and let go of your uncertainty, fears and doubts. Have you ever gazed in wonder at the moon and stars as they appear as light sparked in the darkness…or at the rays of the sun as they penetrate and illuminate the clouds? That’s Love!

You have all the power you need to feel Love in every action you take, every step you walk, even every physical experience you have through manifested form. This is the gift of being human. We are able to use our senses, inner and outer, to perceive and experience the Love of Life. Sometimes, because of conditioning and embedded non-truths, we forget.

Have you lost your sparkle that glistens in the early morning as you wake, emerging into the dawn of a new day? Have you forgotten what it feels like to be grateful as you close your eyes and rest at night, drifting into the dreamtime? Have you unintentionally deemed Love as something that is irrelevant and insignificant to your everyday Life?

Once felt, Love is expressed through the different actions we take – admiring nature, purchasing flowers, vocalizing feelings, showing up for someone in need, snuggling with a loved one or pet, and yes – through sex. But Love is not limited. It is not able to be contained or boxed when we are experiencing it through the unconditional, dynamic and infinite eyes of the Universe. The process of opening to Love is a constant.

In what ways can you open so that you are able to let MORE Love in?

This is definitely a vulnerable state to be in ­– to say the least – AND it is a practice that shows us something more, again and again. Our society likes to tell us that we must be tough, strong and closed-off, while hiding our authentic selves, in order to be accepted and loved by partners, friends, communities and the greater world. This is simply not true. Also, we have many celebrity rockstars leading the pack (like Billie Eilish and Lady Gaga) that give me hope for the changes that are occurring in our society.

Humans are on a desperate search for connection. We hold within us an innate, heart-felt desire to connect…to something!

Truth. Love. Energy.

These 3 Shamanic principles are coming through big time for us as both human and spiritual beings, crocheted into the collective Web of Life. We are all works in progress. You owe it to yourself, over anyone else, to let some Love in – as it is right for you!

Love is all around you – waiting patiently – for the Divine moment to crack you open in ways that you have only dreamt about. It is also true that any heartbreak, loss, grief, desperation, abandonment, etc. hollows you in a way so that you can eventually experience MORE Love, because there is newfound space for it to enter Mind, Body and Spirit. I personally believe that although these are generally undesirable pathways to get there, devastating emotions are some of the most effective conduits for connecting us to something Greater.

Your entire existence is rooted in Love. Can you let it in?

It is my sincerest wish that we all Love and let ourselves be Loved – by Earth and nature, by ourselves and each other, by the greater Universe and the Web that connects us all. And So It Is!

With Blessings & Love Always,

Shanin Weisberg

Look into my Eyes…What do you See?

Have you ever looked at yourself (in the eyes!) either in a mirror or in a picture? What did you see? 

It is universally said that the eyes are windows to the soul. What is your soul trying to tell you?

I have found that is it helpful to do this practice about once a week – with an open mind. I prefer to use a photograph as it makes the process easier for me. Try out “reading” yourself through looking at your eyes. Intuitively, do you sense a color, feeling, experience, or something else linked to your eyes? Have no agenda, and try to be as objective as possible – as if you do not know who you are looking at. This helps us get into our reflective/intuitive part of self, instead of the rational/structured part that will not like this practice 😛

You could even reflect on past photos that you have taken (where your eyes are open and looking at the camera). Do you notice a difference from then to now? 

What if you could capture your “now” eyes and compare them with your “future” eyes? What would change?

And a step further – if you could communicate with your “future” eyes, would they say something to you? Perhaps it’s a “don’t give up” or “you are so loved” or “you are perfect as you are.” Or maybe it’s a “keep moving forward” or “stay with it – all is coming” or “give yourself a break – you deserve it.” Perhaps it’s just a transmission of healing energy or a feeling. Your future eyes love your now eyes – that is for sure. 

What if you realized you are supported in more ways that you know? Our soul, the part of us that is eternal, wants to be involved with our lives here on Earth. Is there something you are doing that could help this connection and relationship? Perhaps you have wanted to leave a “soul-sucking” job for a while now. Perhaps you promised yourself that you were going to make it to your yoga mat or meditation cushion, but it hasn’t happened. Perhaps you are yearning for a more solid relationship with your Spirituality, but you haven’t given it energy that is needed for development. 

If we allow ourselves, we are always able to discern what is needed for healing, balance, and vitality – even in the more subtle parts of self (like our thoughts, emotions, and soul-self). The things that we are not able to see with our everyday eyes still have energy. How are you caring for yourself through your thoughts? What about your beliefs? Actions? Can you give yourself some space to feel – even if it is uncomfortable?

When we get comfortable, we can sometimes get complacent. We stop striving to be the best version of US that our future eyes KNOW is possible. Your future eyes want you to keep reaching for your potential, opening to the possibilities of the unknown…and to the best of your ability, welcoming the sometimes uncomfortable places in between. That is where the change, transformation, and transmutation is found. My guides like to call our present spot on Earth’s timeline “The Changing Times”. The world is going through a major up-leveling of collective vibration, which always means that we as individual souls are too.

Imagine looking at your future eyes again…the power, the luminosity, the freedom. What needs to happen to help you get there?

On the timeline of your life, there are moments that took or will take your breath away. Each of these moments are not guaranteed – because we never know when our “time” is up. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. We have all had difficult moments and experiences – but there are so many ways to continue growing and evolving alongside the current of life.

Most importantly and finally, LOVE your “now” eyes. <3

With Blessings & Love Always,

Shanin Weisberg

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

[email protected]

Visit my website Click here.

Power With vs. Power Over

Feeling empowered on retreat in Mexico.

This phrase really stuck with me lately. What is the difference between “Power With” vs. “Power Over”?

Power With has the essence of community and equality interwoven within words that encourage us to rise together, whereas Power Over has feelings of hierarchy and authority within words that keep us small, pushed down, and separate.

Power struggles. We see so much of this happening in our world today. As conscious humans, we know this struggle will first take place within us before we manifest and project it out. This has been going on for centuries. From a Shamanic view, we dream our world into being. Our dream is our mental programming, belief systems, stories, visions, and hopes for the world. From this place within our mind do we collectively create our world today, and our world today is very entangled with distorted Powers and redundant means of control.

When Power and control are involved, fear and/or anger will usually come crippling in through the back door. Most of us get a noticeable internal response when we interact with concepts of Power, if we allow ourselves to feel the resonance. It is important to note that we must feel this fully to move through our fears and angers (perhaps while also asking for outside support), so that we come out seeing clear and on the other side. Internally, Power is directly related to our self-esteem, and is not something to fear, no matter much our society encourages us to fear of our own Power. The structures and norms put in place collectively and independently by our society are directly associated to the “Power Over” concept. The powers that be are invisibly intelligent; the world at which we know it is sculpted to keep us conformed, stuck, obeying, impoverished, and seemingly powerless. Shamanically, a loss of power can result in mood disorders, lack of energy, and more. This is the card from which we have been dealt at this point in human evolution, so to say, but it does not dictate the outcome or fulfillment of our lives or the lives of the future generations to come! The “work” always starts with us, and it is beginning to change our world already!

Power is related to an expression of Masculine, solar energy. We know (no matter our gender) that all of Life is comprised of complimentary and opposing energies that can be labeled as Masculine and Feminine, solar and lunar. How we relate to Power is a good starting point when digging deeper into how we relate to the Masculine as a whole. This awareness is very much needed during the present revolutionary time on the pages of the book of humanity. We are all being asked to upgrade how we relate to, express, and work with our own Power. Without a need for explanation, it is known we live in a man-made society. This patriarchal world we live in has put a lot of unnecessary pressure onto both men and woman alike.

It is time to cultivate Divine Power, instead of seeking it externally by means of gaining control or authority over. Divine Power does not cause coercion, but instead creates a harmonious uprising of universal confidence, purification and transformation. This is the concept of “Power With”. Energetically, Divine Power is sparked in our upper abdomen/middle back and is located in our Solar Plexus/3rd Chakra. This is the space where we connect to our vibrant inner sun. When allowing, the rays from our Solar Plexus shine from inward to outward, illuminating and encouraging ourselves, our relationships, and our communities to grow, change and rise for the greatest good of all. Discover ways to empower yourself, so that you may empower others around you in return. This may be through your efforts to eat healthy, exercise, be of service to your community, etc. That is for you to decide! Through this process of empowerment, we are continuously shedding and aligning with higher versions of ourselves and the world as a whole.

Power is indefinitely related to the element of Fire – together we rise up and light the sky, or together we burn down and dissolve into ash. Perhaps we must first burn down to rise up…

May you find ways to connect to your Divine Power within. <3

Thank you for reading! Please visit my website here for more information on Healings (available long distance!), recipes, and more.

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

With Love,

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Shanin Weisberg

The Balance of Give and Receive

Happy April!

I’ve just returned from a road trip through the Southwest with my sweetie. We traveled through New Mexico and Colorado as we stopped to soak in healing waters and bathe in luminous rays, surrounded by the natural world! It was a mellow getaway spent with family and friends, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to do so. You could say that I spent my time on vacation “receiving”.

The Balance of Give and Receive is SO important for the greater enjoyment, ease, and fulfillment of our lives on Earth. These two opposing (but complementary) energies can be witnessed and experienced simply as what we put out into the world and also what we take from the world.

You may also interpret Give/Receive as the Masculine and Feminine energies that exist within and without, above and below. Within us, we have this represented by the seemingly symmetrical sides of our Earth-Bodies. Our right side is our Masculine side – which I describe as active, outward, exertion, ascending, and giving. Our left side is our Feminine side – which I describe as passive, inward, healing, descending, and receiving. You may also interpret this through the spirit of Mother Earth below and the spirit of Father Sky above. Mother Earth is the ultimate representation of the Feminine, and Father Sky is the Masculine. Together they form two halves of one greater whole, much like our Earth-Bodies. In Chinese Philosophy, what I speak of here is widely known as the balance of Yin and Yang.

This balance occurs in every breath – your inhale meets your exhale, which then meets your inhale as the cycle begins again and again. Your inhale needs your exhale (and visa versa) to be a complete breath. Light and Dark, Sun and Moon, Earth and Sky, Strength and Surrender, Fire and Water… there are endless examples of the harmonizing opposition of Give and Receive.

Perhaps you feel called to one side versus the other. Perhaps you are more likely to Give rather than Receive or Receive rather than Give. Perhaps you spend your days in action, moving from inward to outward rather than resting, moving outward to inward. Or perhaps it is the opposite.

HOME PRACTICE: Have no judgment, resistance, or attachment as you engage in any of the following practices (contemplation, meditation, shamanic journey, yoga, dance, walk, journal, etc.) that feels like a match for YOU to gain clarity. Hold the clear intention in your heart space to discover how you are in relation with Give and Receive, and be open to experience your own inner wisdom. Perhaps you may even come to a revelation of how to gain greater balance of these two energies in your Life, because we certainly need both!

We as humans are always striving to find balance. This appears fundamentally when we become tired or feel energized, become hungry or feel full, or even when we are sweating or have the chills. Balance is always something that we are reaching for physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. This occurs every day, every hour, every minute – whether we are aware of it or not. There is also great wisdom to be said in that there is NO true, concrete place of balance! We are always ebbing and flowing at every moment to “find” it. If we can bring in more AWARENESS around what we need to “work on”, it will act as a powerful ally on our journey closer.

When in “right” relation with Give AND Receive, we will experience Life as truly satisfied, wholesome, and healthy beings! We are on our path towards it <3

Please check out my website for my latest offerings, workshops, and more.

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

With Love Always,

Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Shamanic Energy Healer, & Chef

Own Your Power: You Create Your World


Happy Holiday & Winter Season!

I hope you are enjoying this healing, dark time of year as the sun shines less and the moon shines more.

I used to really dislike winter…you know…the cold, the lack of sun, the longer nights. But recently, I have found the sheer beauty and comfort in being home cozy, rested, reflective, and mostly in the dark.

The photo above was taken just as the season was changing to fall…I am in Rocky Mountain National State Park surrounded by mountain air, water, sunshine, and rock. I love this image because it beautifully shows the balance between light and dark, and also because there is an awesome orb glowing with the color of my Lifeforce – bright blue! 😀

The seasons are a great example of the entire spectrum available to us in the Universe. We have spring/summer (the light side) and fall/winter (the dark side). For most of my life, I was labeling or judging the dark (winter) as “less-than” instead of viewing it as an equal part of the greater whole.

The distinction between light and dark can be compared to many oppositions and reflections that are parts of one total whole….good and bad, self and other, earth and universe… there are an infinite amount of examples. When we open our perceptions to see the totality of each experienced spectrum, we also open to the beauty and the healing in each and every part. One gives definition to the other. We know there would be no light without dark, no good without bad, no self without other, and no earth without the universe.

Through our perception do we actually create each experience we have.
Through our perception do we actually create the Universe.
And the Universe always responds.

Shamanically, it is believed that we actually dream the world into being. I first learned this from teacher Sandra Ingerman. We dream the world into being through our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and perceptions. Because we are all a part of the Universe, we are all co-creating this world together. Individually, we have our personalized belief systems for which we base our own perceptions and actions around. And yes, surely some overlap with the “collective” as well. The “collective” is defined by me as being the Universal “way” dreamed into all of our beings by centuries of programmed beliefs, actions, and behaviors of mankind.

When the veil of illusion lifts away, when you begin to SEE the truth of your reality – things actually become a bit lighter and certainly clearer! We consciously begin to understand our most in depth under-the-surface workings, our unique code to how we function and perceive reality. You can call this getting to know our subconscious or unconscious Self. And, we actually build the foundation for our Life through our subconscious and unconscious Self – these parts we are mostly unfamiliar with.

We certainly dream our world into being through our deepest parts such as these…

Give yourself a moment to look within yourself for your answers:

With awareness, gaze around you…shift your perspective so that you may be able to SEE the whole…then ask yourself…

  1. How does my home space reflect me, both in feeling (vibe) and appearance (cleanliness & organization)?
  2. How does my work reflect me?
  3. How do the actions I have taken reflect me?
  4. How does my experience of yesterday reflect me?
  5. How does my attitude about tomorrow reflect me today?
  6. How am I thinking, feeling, acting and how does that reflect this perceivable moment right now?

Our perception and perspective begins with us, always.
We create our Life because we are Life!
We create our experience because we are the Creation!
We are Creation itself as it witnesses itself!


We are a unique and valued part of the whole of the Universe.

Own your Power.

How do you create your world?

Always Love,


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Shamanic Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Nature’s Spiral

Happy November!

In the photo, I am holding myself while at a beautiful Women’s Retreat tucked away in the mountains with Lori Glazebrook & photographer Annabelle Denmark. I helped to cook the delicious Soul Food for this retreat. And for those of you that have visited my website or know me well, know that I LOVE to get my hands on food to infuse it and cook with LOVE. What a beautiful blessing to attend and share one of my passions!

The gorgeous and raw photo above was taken by Annabelle. Please check out more of her work at

The image of me is pretty telling. During the shoot, I naturally curled up in the dark corner and hugged myself tight. In this image, I feel my present-self whispering to my “inner child” – “It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re held. I love you.”

The last few weeks have been “turbulent” times for me you could say – as I have been navigating through family emergency, illness, nerve pain, unexpected & expected travel, workshops/classes/retreats (teaching & attending), and a lot of emotions along the way.

However, such is life. Our human existence is challenging, and it will always have those clearly challenging sections or bumps along the way.

Challenge is an invitation to grow.

Challenge is an invitation to check in.

Challenge is an invitation to feel.

I feel deeply within myself that there is a teaching in every experience, every emotion, every turbulent or every blissful time. Through LIVING, we learn about ourselves. Through EXPERIENCING, we open ourselves to receive guidance, insight, and teachings as we continue onward on the wild journey of life on Earth.

It has been a reoccurring theme for me to honor MY needs first…so that I may continue to serve, support, and love others. This has been a constant teaching, a constant “checking in”, a constant “What do I need?” as I’ve moved through the last few weeks.

My needs showed up such as:
  • driving a bit further to buy myself my organic groceries while traveling
  • saying “no” to a workshop I already signed up for
  • allowing myself to nap or rest more if needed
  • or simply holding myself (like in the portrait) during this cycle of healing and renewal.

I’ve learned over the years that even if Life appears as smooth sailing or seemingly “easy”, my path continues to unveil itself and spiral in a circular orientation. I have days or weeks where I am full of lifeforce, prana, or creative energy as I go about my daily tasks, teachings, healings, workouts, cooking, etc. This is the “outward” or “upward” time of my cycle or circular path. In opposition, I have days or weeks where I am drawing inward. During this time, I am needing holding, rest, rejuvenation, and additional support. Neither is better or worse than the other, and the timeline for each opposing cycle is unknown and different during every rotation.

You can observe this spiral in nature all around us…from as big as images of the universe to smaller images of hurricanes to as small as images of a seashell. Of course, there is a mathematical foundation to this characteristic of the Cosmos – it is called the Fibonacci Sequence, also known as the Golden Ratio.

But to me, I call it Nature’s Spiral.

I have integrated this teaching into a deeper level of my being recently. I “knew” this tendency about my path, but I was still holding onto a certain level of resistance for the “inward” or “downward” portion the spiral. I realized how beautiful, soft, and simple this time can be, and it doesn’t make it “less than” or “worse than” the opposition (even though society teaches us to push, grind, and force our way through).

I believe Nature’s Spiral occurs in all of us with different varying degrees and opposition, whether we are aware of it or not…

Try to soften your mind, open your heart, expand your ability to reflect and find out for yourself…

Home Practice

STEP ONE: Find or take a moment to pause, slow down, and reflect. This can be anywhere. Invite a few deep breaths in and out to enter the present moment. Once you feel ready, ask yourself “How am I feeling today”? Do I feel tired? Do I feel energized? Do I feel introspective, joyful, sad, carefree, depleted, tender, overwhelmed? If you could pick one emotion to describe how you are feeling, what would that be?

*This is a great practice to do for several days/weeks straight. It can be simple, and I promise will get easier as you practice. You may choose to record your answers in a journal to reflect on later.

STEP TWO: Inhale a lengthened low belly breath; this time, exhale and offer the breath out of your mouth. This breath can be however gentle or loud as necessary. Repeat this style of breathing, and notice until you feel your inner awareness shift down (out of your mind and into your Heart Center, or perhaps even lower into Belly Center). It is much easier to connect to the wisdom of your true essence through the body; additionally, be mindful that it is impossible to connect to your being if you are lost in your mind’s chatter (own it if you are!). Furthermore, once you are fully relaxed into your body, guided by your exhales – ask yourself “What do I need in this moment?” Not what your mind wants you to do; not what other people want you to do; not what your job wants you to do. What do YOU need?

*This need comes from the wisdom within the body or from the “Higher Self” if you will. Honor the answer you receive. Act on your need in the perfect time for you.

STEP THREE: Reflect on the last few weeks of your life (or your journal entries). What do you notice? What Wisdom is to be gained through reflecting on your own cycle? Is there some sort of pattern asking to be seen?

*Mentally reflect or write your insight down in your journal.

Please reach out with any comments or questions about your experience(s)! <3

As Always – So Much Love & Gratitude, 

Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody, Empower.



If you feel called, check out my humble offerings on my website here