What is a CURSE?! Are They Common?

Curses have been around since the beginning of time.

However in our modern western culture, we’re not typically attuned to their nature. Knowledge, dialogue and practices surrounding curses were much more popular in ancient civilizations, although they continue to play a large role in some cultures today. However no matter your culture, you cannot escape the potential of being affected by a curse.

Curses are much more common than you would think.

A curse is anything that creates a harmful energetic imprint on your field and therefore affects certain aspects of your life by predestining you to a specific repeating, limiting or negative outcome. They tend to present in patterns…occurrences of similar thoughts, behaviors or experiences, which are created from the imprint on your field. Curses keep us stuck and pigeon-hold our highest potential for continuous growth, learning and healing.

Have you ever felt that no matter what, you can’t change ___?

Or do you feel like you’re trapped within a certain place in life or frame of mind?

Or is there a similar, unfavorable experience that always seems to happen in some way or another?

If yes, you may be feeling the impact of a curse.

Curses can (but don’t always) change over time…they can begin by affecting certain things, then eventually they can morphe to influence other things.

To some, a curse may be a blessing. And to others, a blessing may actually be a curse. Curses are extremely subjective.

It’s also possible to harbor multiple curses. One of my teachers, Betsy Bergstrom, speaks on how curses have their own atmosphere within the host’s natural, larger field. When we work with or feel into a curse, they tend to relay in a pressurized, sticky, murky, gooey, or miasmic way.

Some curses are created intentionally with conscious direction, and some are created unintentionally without conscious direction. Curses can be generational; or they can be carried over from past lives; or they can be created from this lifetime. It’s also possible to create and inflict a curse onto yourself!

The reason a curse negatively influences the host is due to how the curse was formed and fueled.

At the moment in time when a curse first came to be, there was a collision of multiple power sources, which together created the negative imprint. Many different fuel sources can become tied or caught up in powering a curse. For example, these can be emotions, negative thoughts, ill-wishes, traumatic experiences, the powers of nature, bodily fluids, spirits and much more.

We don’t fully understand why some curses stick, and some do not.

This is one of the many mysteries of life. If two people experience the exact same thing, they will still come out of it with a different experience. The reason a curse sticks has to do with timing, susceptibility, belief and investment of energy. I also believe that karma and divine order plays a part. 

I perform a curse unraveling for almost EVERY client of mine – that is how common this really is.

In 2022, the year that I’m writing this, curses are making themselves known, in subtle or drastic ways, for almost everyone. You may not have the language to describe what’s happening on an energetic level, but you’re likely still feeling the negative effects more than ever. I believe this is because the world is “waking up” to higher levels of consciousness as the winds of change continue to blow through our planet, increasing our energetic thresholds and initiating opportunities for greater healing and evolution.

This work is deeply sacred and shamanic by nature.

My clients have shared that some of the most powerful healing sessions are during curse-centered work. They can really feel the energy moving and ultimately, the freedom that follows when a curses imprint is lifted.

The beauty of this work is that curses don’t have to rule or ruin our lives, and that we do have the power and support systems (from our own sovereignty, Great Spirit, and our many compassionate spirit guides) to break them and heal our lifeforce and essence along the way. 

You may have an idea or a feeling that you’ve been cursed, or you may not be sure.

Reach out – things don’t have to remain the way they are.

I offer a FREE Discovery Consult for all new clients. Don’t hesitate to schedule, and let’s discuss what’s best for you.

With Love Always, 

Shanin | Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Your Belly & Your Pelvis

Health, Healing, & Your Well-Being

Your belly is the space between your chest and your pelvis. Your pelvis begins where your belly ends as the lower portion of the trunk of the human body. Your abdomen (otherwise known as the “belly” or “gut”) is home to your digestive organs. Your pelvis (otherwise known as the “hips”) is home to your reproductive organs. These areas together hold great influence over the functions and systems of the connected Body and Mind.

We know there are millions of neurons in the gut that directly influence our mood, behavior, and perceivable experiences. This mesh of neurons is called the enteric nervous system (ENS) and can operate largely on its own, independent from the brain or spinal cord. Because of this, the gut (ENS) is frequently referred to as the “second brain”. 

The gut is also home to bacteria and other mircroorganisms intrinsic to our health and our susceptibility to disease. To encourage a healthy and balanced gut flora, it is essential (but sometimes not the most convenient) to eat a wholesome, clean diet. If we have a “happy” gut with a healthy array of bacteria – our overall mood, health, and vitality will correlate and reflect that. If we do not, we will surely feel the residue of an unhappy belly throughout the web of ourBody and Mind. A belly without diverse bacteria may cause a long list of digestive issuesautoimmune disorderspain conditions, skin irritationsnutrient malabsorption, and may even affect the brain with fatiguedepressionanxietymood/behavioral disorders, and more.

We feel feedback and sensations (satiation, bloat, hunger, pain, anxiety, etc.) in our gut in response to the quality and amount of food we eat or don’t eat; we also feel sensations because of a variety of external stimuli. We may remember experiencing a “gut response” to a specific event or situation in the past – a “gut response” that was subtle or perhaps significant and created an inner feeling or presence in the belly. The “gut response” may show up as butterfliesknots, turning upside down, or even just feeling really relaxed and calmed. The belly and the brain are constantly communicating in this way with each other mostly through the intelligent pathway of the vagus nerve, which carries the parasympathetic response to vital organs and muscles in the Body. Basic ways to strengthen and improve this connection involve yoga, deep breathing, “cold blasting”, and maintaining a healthy gut flora.

The same general concept goes for the pelvis, as well. Women will be affected by the enjoyment of their menstrual cycles just as much as both men and women will be affected by the health and regularity of their bowel movements. It is important for men and woman alike to hold a neutral pelvis while performing daily activities (instead of tilting too far forward arching the low back or tilting too far backward slouching the spine) because it acts as the foundation. The everyday alignment of the pelvis will directly impact the sensations in the hips, back, and neck. I predict we would experience lower pain and discomfort of these areas if we practiced and embodied a natural, neutral alignment.

We have all experienced how the difference of pain to pleasure in these areas impact our overall well-being and Life satisfaction.

So…what does all of this mean?

We have spoken about the Body/Mind relating to the Belly/Pelvis, but what about the connection to Spirit? Energetically, I see the seam where the belly meets the pelvis as the central point of gravity in the human body, where the essential connection to Mother Earthbelow is first established and harnessed within. We can feel and cultivate how connected we are with the Earth through the spaces in the belly, the pelvis, and even stemming further down into the legs and the feet. In my yoga classes and workshops, I always speak to the pelvis, the pelvic floor, the pelvic bowl, the belly, the core, the legs, and the feet to increase our inner-awareness of these parts by activating them and also by consciously grounding the energy down.

If we are too tight or restricted in our Belly/Pelvis, we will not only have a hard time grounding down energetically, but we will also physically through difficulties eliminating waste. We may also suffer from fulfillment sexually if we are too restricted or blocked in this area; in severe cases, this may even show up as abdominal pain or pelvic pain.

It is natural in some occasions for the body to hold onto heavy amounts of stress, trauma, and tucked-down-and-away-never-to-be-felt-again emotions in the Belly and Pelvis. These emotional blocks have direct influence over our physical health.

Alternatively, if we are too open or loose in our belly/pelvis, we may feel quite sluggish or lazy. We may also feel unable to engage our core and our pelvic floor properly; this may lead physically to incontinence and energetically/emotionally to over-consuming sexual urges or food cravings.

It is also natural to have desires.

But, for optimal health and healing, balance is a necessity.

In Tantric traditions, your belly and pelvis inhabit the first 2 Chakras (energy centers) of your body. Your 1st Chakra (Root Chakra) is in your pelvis (located at the base of the spine in the perineum) and is your place of stability and safety. Your 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra) is in between your lower abdomen and lower back (located a few inches under the belly button) and is your place of sexuality, emotions, and desires. The element that relates to the Root Chakra is Earth (grounded, strong, solid), and the element that relates to the Sacral Chakra is Water(fluid, flowing, flexible).

You can feel how fundamental these two centers of the body are in order for us to continue to heal and evolve and grow.

So…how do I embody a healthy, balanced Belly & Pelvis?

You must first learn how to engage AND release these areas. 

I find it is so important for humans to learn how to use the muscles of their core/pelvis and then learn how to let them go. You can experiment yourself with these actions through specific exercises to engage, then perform meditations/massages to release – feeling the polarity of these two extremes and resting somewhere in the everyday neutral, soft but strong.

I find it is also very important to seek out energetic and spiritual support to help find balance and healing from either extreme.

Everything that shows up physically has a spiritual correlation.

Shamanically, I treat and encourage the healing of the spiritual illness – the root of the illness at the very subtle layers of Self.

For those of you who know me personally, know that I am deeply connected to this area of the body because of my own in-depth experiences and healing journey. The unveiling of pelvic pain and its many layers has played a big part of my Soul Path and Soul Purpose since day 1. It has bestowed infinite wisdom on me that I would not have received otherwise. It has opened doors and propelled me on a vast and humble path of being in service to Spirit, the Greatest Good, and the Highest Truth.

I feel blessed to even write this today.

Your Belly and your Pelvis together hold ancient, primal wisdom that once unlocked, can impact the trajectory of your Life – of your Health, of your Healing, and of your entire Well-being!

Aho – So be it! <3

With Love Always,

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Shanin Weisberg

Owner, Yoga Teacher, Chef, Shamanic Energy Healer

For more access to: tools that aid in the Health, Healing, and Richness of your Life OR more information on Intuitive Divine Love Healings (in person or long distance), visit my website here.

Home Practice: Bless Your Home

 You can easily bless your home (or any space) through your thoughts, words, and actions.

STEP ONE: Begin at your front door or the entrance to your space. As you walk in, look around and start to mindfully walk the perimeter of the room, slowly making your way through each part of your home.

STEP TWO: Gaze at your space with the feeling and the thoughts you wish to reflect onto your space – peace, comfort, safety, healing, etc. (You may choose to carry your favorite crystal or burn your favorite herb or wood as you do this.) Invite an inner feeling of Love and hold the clear intention to Bless in your heart center.

STEP THREE: Sounds are a powerful tool that create our reality. Words, songs, and incantations can be a promising way to deliver a potent Blessing. Here is an incantation I have used that is quite simple but effective: “Bless this house. Bless this home. Heal this house. Heal this home. Love this house. Love this home.” You may repeat this as many times as you feel called as you walk around each room, being sure to walk the edges and corners. You may also replace the words house/home with space/place or any other word(s) that feels right. It may feel right for you to touch certain objects in your space, or move your hands in an organic magical way as you repeat the incantation. I would recommend repeating the incantation at least 3 times all the way through out loud with conviction, certainty, and feeling.

STEP FOUR: Once you have made it through the entire space, return to the center of the space or to the center of your home. Close your eyes and breathe for several moments into this Blessing that you have bestowed into your space. Thank yourself, and notice what you feel. Record any experience or reaction as you feel called to.

Always Love, 


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Shamanic Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness 

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

*First image of me was taken by Annabelle. Please check out her work here http://www.annabelledenmark.com/*