This time of year offers a pleasant reminder that no matter your experience of winter or the past, rebirth is inevitable. It is then partially our choice, partially Divine unfoldment, whether we are capable to let go of that which (unhealthily) binds us to past struggles, or embrace the lessons learned with a sense of closure and completion.
We are cyclic beings, much like Earth, since we are her people. Each cycle has its season; each season, a cycle. However, it has recently become clear in the collective Earth energy field that unhealthy repeating cyclesmay finally be ready to be broken! Finally, truth-telling light is shined upon these unhealthy cycles (in sometimes sudden, seemingly life-shattering but actually life-awakening ways), allowing them to be fully healed and rebirthed anew. This is all for your greatest benefit, ascension and unfolding. Others in your life that once participated in these unhealthy cycles may show their true colors, in telling, harsh or abrasive ways.
This results in a big shift and change in perspective. Something(s) you were once blind to, you are now able to see. This may also cause quite an upbringing of emotions and memories, self-blame and criticism, but Beautiful Being, please keep on and know that you are not alone in this process. Earth stands with you, as do many of us, including Eagle and all Bird Spirits. Old programming, belief systems and skewed perspectives are coming to the light to be observed, felt and cleared.
You cannot force yourself to become conscious of the unconscious, but rather continue to surrender to the breath and trust the process and practices that connect you to that which is greater, to balance and to Spirit. Remain open to receive this connection to Spirit as it lives strongly, especially now, within the Air you breathe.
We are being asked to meet the dawning of each new day with centered presence, surrender and hope.
I am with you, and you with me. With Love Always,Shanin
I hope you are feeling full-filled and well-rested as winter comes to a close. It is pretty incredible that the Spring Equinox is in just a few weeks, on March 21st to be exact.
Ah, 60 degrees, Springtime, the promise of rebirth. Can you see, hear, taste, feel it in the Air? Air is the main element of Spring – helping to bring us balance, within and without, above and below. Balance inside our hearts and throughout each cycle of breath.
Spring and Air are all about connection, perspective, clarity and rebirth. Much like a seed sprouting into Air, there is abundant potential stirring around from deep beneath the surface, along with the promise of new beginnings and a chance to start anew. New connections are to be made; new perspectives are to be gained; and a deep sense of clarity is to be welcomed as the birds chirp and sing gracefully to the longer days and warmer nights. Perhaps you can too, sing to the birds or welcome the sun as it rises anew each day.
The Eagle is the gatekeeper of the Spring, Air and the East. Acting as a wise protector, Eagle offers a bird’s-eye view and the gift of flight. All bird spirit guides are powerful allies when it comes to “soaring the skies”; they are known to travel (by way of Air) into other lands and worlds, bringing back Spirit messages and healing perspectives.
The same Air that Eagle soars on and connects to other worlds through, connects you to everyone and everything else on Earth and beyond. As you inhale, you breathe in a part of the world(s), and as you exhale, you offer a piece of yourself out. This continuous peak to valley dance-of-the-breath is our everyday transport to that which is greater. Our breath is our greatest tool to connect to the subtle worlds within and without, to Eagle and all birds, and to the Spirit of Spring and the East.
Wishing you a smooth transition into Spring. XOXO With Love Always,
A Shaman in its most fundamental and westernized terminology means Healer. However, all Healers practice different modalities, and some may not resonate with Shamanic specific techniques. Therefore, not all Healers are Shamans. This word is used often, especially in Boulder County, which in most cases is a great thing (as it speaks to the ancient practices being revolutionized to fit our changing world!), but it can also be a bit confusing. No, Shamans do not have to be from indigenous societies to be powerful practitioners and healers, although there are many that are. Shamanism stems back hundreds of thousands of years. We do not know exactly how far back, but it is shown in prehistoric cave drawings that there was reverence for the animals and people in the community.
Shaman also means “one who sees in the dark”. Shamans are frequently referred to as hollow; they act as channels for high vibrational Spirit energy to move through them for a specific purpose and intention. Shamans clearly see and heal through their ability to be heart-centered, present and open, yet humble and honest. Acting as hollow vessels for frequencies that we are typically closed off to in our everyday lives, Shamans are bridges between this world and the spiritual worlds. Shamans work closely with Spirit helpers and guides, power animals, angels, ancestors, nature beings and invisible forces to serve the highest good and benefit of all. They are highly intuitive and open to their psychic abilities by being connected to that which is greater. It is their mission to bring enhanced balance and ease to the people and life forms of Earth. It is also common for Shamans to work closely with herbs, rocks, minerals and other earthly spirits. A shaman knows and feels that there is a Spirit in all things and works to build “right” relationship with each.
Shamans understand the importance of ritual, community, ceremony and rites of passage. They were the original doctors back before we had Western medicine. Those in need would visit the Shaman for healing from everything and anything: physical symptoms, emotional pain, mental instability and more. Shamans understand that illness, disease, imbalance, pain and suffering are more complex than our modern society likes to think, however I do feel that this is changing. Shamans treat illness and imbalance on subtle levels, because they know that all physical things have a spiritual root. We would be silly to ignore the power of Western medicine today, but Shamanism can offer a deeper and adjacent route to address the ailment and provide positive, healthy change.
My Smudging Fan for Healing Work
There are many practices and techniques, including: Shamanic Journeys, Transmissions, Extractions, Soul Retrievals, Power Renewals and more. They also have many tools in their toolbox, not limited to: medicine songs, healing words, buffalo drums, rattles, feathers, herbs, plants, crystals and more.
Shamanic principles, practices and tools are available to all of us. You do not have to be called a Shaman to embrace the benefits! It is a way of life – to bring in greater harmony, respect, connection, truth, love and energy into the everyday. It is the path of direct revelation, meaning each person who lives a Shamanic life has their own unique experiences within it. It is not limited; there are no rights or wrongs; there are no rules. It is that of meaning and that of liberation. You and Spirit lead the way together.
I hope this information was valuable to you!
Wishing you a blessed & safe holiday, new year & new decade!XOXO, S
Some of you that have attended my public yoga classes over the last 2 weeks know that we are Journeying through the 7 Chakras…very exciting! 😊 Each week, we will focus on 1 of the 7 energy centers that have their individual homes along your central channel, physically up and down your spine. This main energy channel is known in yoga as the Sushumna Nadi (Nadi meaning energy nerve). I like to refer to the central channel as our River of Life. When our Rivers are clear and flowing, limitless potential and possibly become our reality. We open up to higher pathways of being, doing, interacting, and loving. However, it is very common to have energetic blocks along our central channels that impact the everyday flow and ease of Life. These blocks are sometimes located in a specific Chakra, as each Chakra contains its own unique energetic properties and qualities. They build on each other to *eventually* encourage a fully grounded, creative, powerful, connected, expressive, imaginative, and divine human…Wouldn’t that be awesome?!
I love teaching the Chakras…because this subtle system truly shows us something new each and every time.
In every (I think) spiritual tradition, there is a common teaching of the complexity of our beings. In yoga, it is referred to as the Koshas, meaning “bodies” or “selves”. I like to feel into this such as, we have many layers to our beings that interact together for our greater wholeness. We know we are much more than our physical form.
Here is my interpretation: We have a Physical Body – which gives us access to manifested form and our 3D world. We have an Energy Body – which contains our circulating lifeforce and is directly connected to our breath. We have a Mental Body – which holds our thoughts and belief structures. We have an Emotional Body – which contains, of course, our emotions. And we also have a Spiritual Body – that which is eternal, connected to Source, Spirit and all that is.
All of these “bodies” are constantly working together for your greatest benefit – making you, you. Intuitively, they as a whole comprise your Field. Your Field is sometimes referred to as your aura, but I prefer Field, as it is different for each being. Your Field is the entirety of you; everything that lives in your current awareness bubble or plane. Your Field is flexible – it can expand and contract, hold onto outside energies and show you certain cycles/patterns about yourself. Shamanically, it is known that thoughts and emotions are things. Just because we cannot see them, touch them in this 3D world of form, does not mean that they are not real. Thoughts and emotions actually hold an immense amount of power to influence our everyday lives.
It is also known in the Shamanic world that every being has a unique Spirit or essence (even plants, rocks, etc). Each Spirit, like each Chakra, also has its own properties, qualities, teachings and “medicine” – that offer gifts of wisdom and healing to our earthly lives. If you open yourself to a specific Spirit (ex. your favorite tree in the backyard or park), you can then uniquely perceive it, work with it and deeply relate to it. We are so used to getting immediate satisfaction and being on sensation overload with our current societal advances and technology use, that we have forgotten how to use our inner senses to perceive and connect with things more subtle – like our energy, thoughts, emotions, Spirit and Nature.
Your Chakra System lives in your Energy Body. It governs the flow of your energy (otherwise known as lifeforce or prana) and has great influence over your other layers of self as well. We want free flowing energy! Your energetic lifeforce is responsible for the rhythms of your heart, cycles of your breath and other autonomous functions that sustain life in your body. And what is so beautiful about this system is that we can actually tap into it and begin to direct, clear, transmit, and upgrade our energy to a new, cleaner and more effective way of functioning. Isn’t that awesome?! And it is not out of reach!
Getting familiar with your Chakras is a great start. AND it serves as a continuous practice to come back to that will always bring you into deeper relation with your energy.
Until I see you or hear from you again, Be Well…and don’t forget to set intentions to enjoy the pleasures of the harvest this month! With Love Always, S
A women’s womb is like an oven. Old stuff can get stuck in there and keep cooking and cooking until it’s scraped and cleaned out. This stuff can be from so long ago we have forgotten that it’s even there. Or maybe we can feel it, but don’t know how to clean it. Ovens are exceptionally hard to clean at this point. Or maybe we can’t feel it because we have cut ourselves off (energetically) from the waist, heart or throat down – simply to survive and save ourselves from being hurt or taken advantage of.
A women’s womb is like a cauldron. Incredible amounts of magic and potentiality are created here, stirred around, grown into form and birthed into reality.
We store a lot of external energy in our wombs and tend to gestate on it – whether it is for the birth of a baby or for the holding of past traumas and relationships. And yes, these sometimes unhealthy energies that we hold onto can be from past lives or from the women that have come before you in your lineage.
We have forgotten what it is like to claim our sexual space as firstly ours, and instead – we offer it to everyone else to please, fulfill and interact in ways by which we have been told is what it means to be a women.
Wear makeup. Lose weight. Gain weight. Be sexual. Too sexual. Not sexual enough. Be good. Be bad. Dye your hair. Tan your skin. Get your nails done. Wear jewelry. Wear a dress. Take the pill. Skip your period. Shame your blood. Shame your lack of blood. Be quiet. Shut up. Sit down. Smile. Say yes.
YOUR womb (physically your uterus) is begging you to listen to her. She speaks to you in a language of PMS, hormones, cramps, pain, pleasure, blood, emotions, energy, creativity and power. It is so important to be connected to your womb center (more important and first before heart center!). Listen to her language! Is she telling you she needs some help? 🗣
It is time to commune again with your sacred place.
I am honored to officially offer Womb Massage w/ Shamanic Healing. This Women’s specific session includes massage of client’s abdomen space to improve energy flow, centeredness and release of blockages in the womb. Physical touch along with psychic and subtle energy work are combined for the client’s greatest benefit. Receive messages and open channels for connection to Spirit and your guides. Working together for this unified intention and purpose, sessions result in the overall improved healing, health and restoration of your sacred, woman-ful space.
Womb Work can help with: ❤️Hormone Imbalances ❤️Painful or Irregular Periods ❤️Cramping ❤️PMS ❤️Menopause & Perimenopause ❤️Infertility ❤️Low Libido ❤️Emotional & Sexual Trauma ❤️Pelvic & Back Pain ❤️Pelvic/Bladder/Rectal Dysfunction ❤️Pain with Sex ❤️GI Issues ❤️Food Intolerances ❤️Muscle Tightness ❤️Lack of Creativity ❤️Low Energy Levels ❤️Emotional Instability ❤️Prenatal & Postpartum Support ❤️& so much more!
*Clients will also be shown techniques for how to perform on their own.
Womb Massage w/ Shamanic Healing – 75 mins | $105 *In person in Lafayette, CO
This phrase really stuck with me lately. What is the difference between “Power With” vs. “Power Over”?
Power With has the essence of community and equality interwoven within words that encourage us to rise together, whereas Power Over has feelings of hierarchy and authority within words that keep us small, pushed down, and separate.
Power struggles. We see so much of this happening in our world today. As conscious humans, we know this struggle will first take place within us before we manifest and project it out. This has been going on for centuries. From a Shamanic view, we dream our world into being. Our dream is our mental programming, belief systems, stories, visions, and hopes for the world. From this place within our mind do we collectively create our world today, and our world today is very entangled with distorted Powers and redundant means of control.
When Power and control are involved, fear and/or anger will usually come crippling in through the back door. Most of us get a noticeable internal response when we interact with concepts of Power, if we allow ourselves to feel the resonance. It is important to note that we must feel this fully to move through our fears and angers (perhaps while also asking for outside support), so that we come out seeing clear and on the other side. Internally, Power is directly related to our self-esteem, and is not something to fear, no matter much our society encourages us to fear of our own Power. The structures and norms put in place collectively and independently by our society are directly associated to the “Power Over” concept. The powers that be are invisibly intelligent; the world at which we know it is sculpted to keep us conformed, stuck, obeying, impoverished, and seemingly powerless. Shamanically, a loss of power can result in mood disorders, lack of energy, and more. This is the card from which we have been dealt at this point in human evolution, so to say, but it does not dictate the outcome or fulfillment of our lives or the lives of the future generations to come! The “work” always starts with us, and it is beginning to change our world already!
Power is related to an expression of Masculine, solar energy. We know (no matter our gender) that all of Life is comprised of complimentary and opposing energies that can be labeled as Masculine and Feminine, solar and lunar. How we relate to Power is a good starting point when digging deeper into how we relate to the Masculine as a whole. This awareness is very much needed during the present revolutionary time on the pages of the book of humanity. We are all being asked to upgrade how we relate to, express, and work with our own Power. Without a need for explanation, it is known we live in a man-made society. This patriarchal world we live in has put a lot of unnecessary pressure onto both men and woman alike.
It is time to cultivate Divine Power, instead of seeking it externally by means of gaining control or authority over. Divine Power does not cause coercion, but instead creates a harmonious uprising of universal confidence, purification and transformation. This is the concept of “Power With”. Energetically, Divine Power is sparked in our upper abdomen/middle back and is located in our Solar Plexus/3rd Chakra. This is the space where we connect to our vibrant inner sun. When allowing, the rays from our Solar Plexus shine from inward to outward, illuminating and encouraging ourselves, our relationships, and our communities to grow, change and rise for the greatest good of all. Discover ways to empower yourself, so that you may empower others around you in return. This may be through your efforts to eat healthy, exercise, be of service to your community, etc. That is for you to decide! Through this process of empowerment, we are continuously shedding and aligning with higher versions of ourselves and the world as a whole.
Power is indefinitely related to the element of Fire – together we rise up and light the sky, or together we burn down and dissolve into ash. Perhaps we must first burn down to rise up…
May you find ways to connect to your Divine Power within. <3
Thank you for reading! Please visit my website here for more information on Healings (available long distance!), recipes, and more.
Your belly is the space between your chest and your pelvis. Your pelvis begins where your belly ends as the lower portion of the trunk of the human body. Your abdomen (otherwise known as the “belly” or “gut”) is home to your digestive organs. Your pelvis (otherwise known as the “hips”) is home to your reproductive organs. These areas together hold great influence over the functions and systems of the connected Body and Mind.
We know there are millions of neurons in the gut that directly influence our mood, behavior, and perceivable experiences. This mesh of neurons is called the enteric nervous system (ENS) and can operate largely on its own, independent from the brain or spinal cord. Because of this, the gut (ENS) is frequently referred to as the “second brain”.
The gut is also home to bacteria and other mircroorganisms intrinsic to our health and our susceptibility to disease. To encourage a healthy and balanced gut flora, it is essential (but sometimes not the most convenient) to eat a wholesome, clean diet. If we have a “happy” gut with a healthy array of bacteria – our overall mood, health, and vitality will correlate and reflect that. If we do not, we will surely feel the residue of an unhappy belly throughout the web of ourBody and Mind. A belly without diverse bacteria may cause a long list of digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, pain conditions, skin irritations, nutrient malabsorption, and may even affect the brain with fatigue, depression, anxiety, mood/behavioral disorders, and more.
We feel feedback and sensations (satiation, bloat, hunger, pain, anxiety, etc.) in our gut in response to the quality and amount of food we eat or don’t eat; we also feel sensations because of a variety of external stimuli. We may remember experiencing a “gut response” to a specific event or situation in the past – a “gut response” that was subtle or perhaps significant and created an inner feeling orpresence in the belly. The “gut response” may show up as butterflies, knots, turning upside down, or even just feeling really relaxed and calmed. The belly and the brain are constantly communicating in this way with each other mostly through the intelligent pathway of the vagus nerve, which carries the parasympathetic response to vital organs and muscles in the Body. Basic ways to strengthen and improve this connection involve yoga, deep breathing, “cold blasting”, and maintaining a healthy gut flora.
The same general concept goes for the pelvis, as well. Women will be affected by the enjoyment of their menstrual cycles just as much as both men and women will be affected by the health and regularity of their bowel movements. It is important for men and woman alike to hold a neutral pelvis while performing daily activities (instead of tilting too far forward arching the low back or tilting too far backward slouching the spine) because it acts as the foundation. The everyday alignment of the pelvis will directly impact the sensations in the hips, back, and neck. I predict we would experience lower pain and discomfort of these areas if we practiced and embodied a natural, neutral alignment.
We have all experienced how the difference of pain to pleasure in these areas impact our overall well-being and Life satisfaction.
So…what does all of this mean?
We have spoken about the Body/Mind relating to the Belly/Pelvis, but what about the connection to Spirit? Energetically, I see the seam where the belly meets the pelvis as the central point of gravity in the human body, where the essential connection to Mother Earthbelow is first established and harnessed within. We can feel and cultivate how connected we are with the Earth through the spaces in the belly, the pelvis, and even stemming further down into the legs and the feet. In my yoga classes and workshops, I always speak to the pelvis, the pelvic floor, the pelvic bowl, the belly, the core, the legs, and the feet to increase our inner-awareness of these parts by activating them and also by consciously groundingthe energy down.
If we are too tight or restricted in our Belly/Pelvis, we will not only have a hard time grounding down energetically, but we will also physically through difficulties eliminating waste. We may also suffer from fulfillment sexually if we are too restricted or blocked in this area; in severe cases, this may even show up as abdominal pain or pelvic pain.
It is natural in some occasions for the body to hold onto heavy amounts of stress, trauma, and tucked-down-and-away-never-to-be-felt-again emotions in the Belly and Pelvis. These emotional blocks have direct influence over our physical health.
Alternatively, if we aretoo open or loosein our belly/pelvis, we may feel quite sluggish or lazy. We may also feel unable to engage our core and our pelvic floor properly; this may lead physically to incontinence and energetically/emotionally to over-consuming sexual urges or food cravings.
It is also natural to have desires.
But, for optimal health and healing, balance is a necessity.
In Tantric traditions, your belly and pelvis inhabit the first 2 Chakras (energy centers) of your body. Your 1st Chakra (Root Chakra) is in your pelvis (located at the base of the spine in the perineum) and is your place of stability and safety. Your 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra) is in between your lower abdomen and lower back (located a few inches under the belly button) and is your place of sexuality, emotions, and desires. The element that relates to the Root Chakra is Earth (grounded, strong, solid), and the element that relates to the Sacral Chakra is Water(fluid, flowing, flexible).
You can feel how fundamental these two centers of the body are in order for us to continue to heal and evolve and grow.
So…how do I embody a healthy, balanced Belly & Pelvis?
You must first learn how to engage AND release these areas.
I find it is so important for humans to learn how to use the muscles of their core/pelvis and then learn how to let them go. You can experiment yourself with these actions through specific exercises to engage, then perform meditations/massages to release – feeling the polarity of these two extremes and resting somewhere in the everyday neutral, soft but strong.
I find it is also very important to seek out energetic and spiritual support to help find balance and healing from either extreme.
Everything that shows up physically has a spiritual correlation.
Shamanically, I treat and encourage the healing of the spiritual illness – the root of the illness at the very subtle layers of Self.
For those of you who know me personally, know that I am deeply connected to this area of the body because of my own in-depth experiences and healing journey. The unveiling of pelvic pain and its many layers has played a big part of my Soul Path and Soul Purpose since day 1. It has bestowed infinite wisdom on me that I would not have received otherwise. It has opened doors and propelled me on a vast and humble path of being in service to Spirit, the Greatest Good, and the Highest Truth.
I feel blessed to even write this today.
Your Belly and your Pelvis together hold ancient, primal wisdom that once unlocked, can impact the trajectory of your Life – of your Health, of your Healing, and of your entire Well-being!
Aho – So be it! <3
With Love Always,
Surrender to Soul Wellness
Shanin Weisberg
Owner, Yoga Teacher, Chef, Shamanic Energy Healer
For more access to: tools that aid in the Health, Healing, and Richness of your LifeORmore information onIntuitive Divine Love Healings (in person or long distance), visit my website here.