This phrase really stuck with me lately. What is the difference between “Power With” vs. “Power Over”?
Power With has the essence of community and equality interwoven within words that encourage us to rise together, whereas Power Over has feelings of hierarchy and authority within words that keep us small, pushed down, and separate.
Power struggles. We see so much of this happening in our world today. As conscious humans, we know this struggle will first take place within us before we manifest and project it out. This has been going on for centuries. From a Shamanic view, we dream our world into being. Our dream is our mental programming, belief systems, stories, visions, and hopes for the world. From this place within our mind do we collectively create our world today, and our world today is very entangled with distorted Powers and redundant means of control.
When Power and control are involved, fear and/or anger will usually come crippling in through the back door. Most of us get a noticeable internal response when we interact with concepts of Power, if we allow ourselves to feel the resonance. It is important to note that we must feel this fully to move through our fears and angers (perhaps while also asking for outside support), so that we come out seeing clear and on the other side. Internally, Power is directly related to our self-esteem, and is not something to fear, no matter much our society encourages us to fear of our own Power. The structures and norms put in place collectively and independently by our society are directly associated to the “Power Over” concept. The powers that be are invisibly intelligent; the world at which we know it is sculpted to keep us conformed, stuck, obeying, impoverished, and seemingly powerless. Shamanically, a loss of power can result in mood disorders, lack of energy, and more. This is the card from which we have been dealt at this point in human evolution, so to say, but it does not dictate the outcome or fulfillment of our lives or the lives of the future generations to come! The “work” always starts with us, and it is beginning to change our world already!
Power is related to an expression of Masculine, solar energy. We know (no matter our gender) that all of Life is comprised of complimentary and opposing energies that can be labeled as Masculine and Feminine, solar and lunar. How we relate to Power is a good starting point when digging deeper into how we relate to the Masculine as a whole. This awareness is very much needed during the present revolutionary time on the pages of the book of humanity. We are all being asked to upgrade how we relate to, express, and work with our own Power. Without a need for explanation, it is known we live in a man-made society. This patriarchal world we live in has put a lot of unnecessary pressure onto both men and woman alike.
It is time to cultivate Divine Power, instead of seeking it externally by means of gaining control or authority over. Divine Power does not cause coercion, but instead creates a harmonious uprising of universal confidence, purification and transformation. This is the concept of “Power With”. Energetically, Divine Power is sparked in our upper abdomen/middle back and is located in our Solar Plexus/3rd Chakra. This is the space where we connect to our vibrant inner sun. When allowing, the rays from our Solar Plexus shine from inward to outward, illuminating and encouraging ourselves, our relationships, and our communities to grow, change and rise for the greatest good of all. Discover ways to empower yourself, so that you may empower others around you in return. This may be through your efforts to eat healthy, exercise, be of service to your community, etc. That is for you to decide! Through this process of empowerment, we are continuously shedding and aligning with higher versions of ourselves and the world as a whole.
Power is indefinitely related to the element of Fire – together we rise up and light the sky, or together we burn down and dissolve into ash. Perhaps we must first burn down to rise up…
May you find ways to connect to your Divine Power within. <3

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Enhance. Embody. Empower.
With Love,
Surrender to Soul Wellness
Shanin Weisberg