A Channeled Message: Open the Flood Gates

What if you could have everything you ever wanted? 

What if you could open to the infinite potential within you – along with unlimited possibilities, hidden treasures, best-kept secrets, and more? Would you – if you knew you were also opening to long-forgotten memories, emotional undoings, and your deepest traumas? Would you take the risk? Would you open the flood gates – if you knew it meant manifesting visions, achieving dreams, and at the same time releasing heavy subtle-body (energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual) wounding? It is worth it? To have everything we desire, and more…at the cost of truly being with ourselves, at an incredibly vulnerable and deep level. To have one we must also have the other. Would you do it?

Life is constantly moving, changing, progressing…we know that and can attest to it. Sometimes along the way, while we are rafting or swimming or rather being tossed through our river of life, we can sub/unconsciously create dams or blocks. We are intelligent human AND spiritual beings, and our bodies hold onto and can therefore unlock the greatest wisdom of all. It is now actually being proven that generational trauma is a real thing – we can inherit and absorb trauma, karma, and past-pain from our family lineage and childhood environments, and keep it tucked away somewhere deep in our body until it is fully open, cleared and healed. The cells in our bodies remember, even if our minds do not. When the time was that we sub/unconsciously created these dams, it was for survival purposes only. In the midst of these long-forgotten memories, emotions, and woundings – we intelligently carved a new path, and journeyed along the shore around the dam, to continue streaming forward on our river of life. Now it’s years, decades, centuries or more later, and that dam still exists but now unnecessarily, and is impacting our intrinsic flow and our ability to dream, manifest, create, and achieve what our soul knows is possible for our present and future life.

Would you initiate your gates to open?

It doesn’t have to be in a life-shattering, earth-quaking, tsunami-unleashed way. It can be a gradual, ease-filled, spirit-supported, beautiful unveiling of who you are really are. Imagine setting yourself free from dams set up long ago, assisting your water of life’s onward flow, unlocking chains from your past, and connecting to your future vision, soul-self, potential and divinity.

Are you ready? Would you open the flood gates?

Thank you for reading. Please visit my web page https://surrendertosoulwellness.com/ to read more about receiving an in-person or long-distance Shamanic Intuitive Healing.

With Love Always,

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Shanin Weisberg

SoulFit w/ Shanin @ Soul Tree Yoga

NEW CLASS ALERT: Introducing SoulFit
Every Tues/Fri from 8:15-9:15a

@ Soul Tree Yoga, Simpson Studio | 422 E Simpson St, Lafayette CO

*Begins Fri, Aug 2nd

This class will quickly become your favorite safe AND strengthening full body workout. Fueled by functional movements, mindful breathing, and body awareness – you will leave feeling empowered and much stronger – physically, mentally, and emotionally. You will be coached to push yourself safely to the edge of your fitness abilities, and grow as a Yogi on or off your mat. SoulFit is driven by movements that support Yogis feeling stronger and safer in their practice, including moderate intensity interval training and a variety of exercises (weights and other equipment may be included!). Expect to optimize your health, uplift your mood, increase your metabolic rate, and improve your overall stamina. Add some smiles and sweat into the mix, and you have your complete 60-min SoulFit workout (including your warm up and cool down!). Tennis/Running shoes highly recommend. All levels of fitness are welcome!

$15 Drop-in, Punch-Passes, and Soul Tree Memberships Accepted!

Check out this video here to learn more about SoulFit.

I am SO excited to be introducing this crucial and fundamental class to my students. Interval training and functional movements are essential to improve overall health and fitness, and I have experienced their results personally in my practice and in my life over the last several years! This is why I created SoulFit. SoulFit gives you something that yoga alone simply cannot; it feeds and strengthens your physical body, mental self, and touches your soul so that you can empower and complement how you feel in your every day Earthly life. Feeling strong and safe while MOVING through life, on or off your mat, is imperative to lower your risk of injury, increase your longevity, and improve your enjoyment of it all along the way! Give yourself a MINDFUL power-and-confidence-boost along with your yoga practice, and try out this awesome new class with me!

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

How Distracted Are We?

I typically speak to releasing distractions in the beginning of almost every one of my yoga classes, workshops, or intuitive healing sessions. Often times we are being pulled outside of this moment here and now – either with chains binding us to the past or with ropes trying to lasso the future. It shows up to me energetically as strings that connect us to a time and space outside of now, tugging at us for attention and surely, distraction. It is an absolute necessity to release these distractions before we are able to fully enter our environment or the vast inner world of our Mind, Body, and Spirit – for whatever specific purpose or intention we may have in doing so. To objectively enter our internal and external landscapes, we must (at least try to) release the grasps of our mind that manifest as worries and concerns for everyday life. Our “little” mind is fed from these distractions and is not something to ostracize, rather it is ideally taught that it doesn’t run the show. 

Shamanically, it is known that to enter a healing trance state or to connect with Spirit, we must be freed from these everyday ordeals – even if it is just for a few moments during a practice or healing session. In yoga, it is the same. We have fluctuations in our mind that yoga practice, firstly and fundamentally, helps to cultivate awareness around so that we may observe that they are even there. And secondly, yoga teaches us how to be in flow – how to allow life, and the constant stirring of it inside of us, to have space to be. This happens when we allow thoughts to simply stream without clinging to or pushing them away. This happens when we ride the waves of an emotion until the water becomes clear and steady. This happens when we accept that our muscles are shaking so tremendously and come after we feel incredibly invigorated with aliveness and vitality. When we get out of our own way, and typically this means mentally, the intelligence of our Body and the intelligence of Spirit can come through for whatever greater purpose aligns at that time.

It is important to reflect on the past or set goals and have vision for the future, but it will not promote the intrinsic feeling of connection that we as humans seek. These days we tend to pick up our phones, computers, or turn on the TV to feed this connective impulse. We live in a world where there is seemingly more connection, and at the same time, more distraction than ever. Through technology, this craving for connection is perhaps briefly fulfilled, but not at the level that our higher selves, or soul-selves, know is possible.

Last week, I went camping on the Grand Mesa (one of the largest in the world!) on the western slope of Colorado. It is incredibly beautiful out there. There was barely cell phone service, and I chose to not bring my laptop (phew!). Being without these simple everyday distractions opened the door for me to enter the mysteries. Every morning, I would watch a squirrel do its daily routine – run across the way, grab something, and take it to one of 4 hiding spots. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. The chipmunks came out in the afternoon and at night. There were several of them hanging around, and they acted as my cute little audience when I played the native flute. On our way off the Mesa, we stopped to sky dive! It was my second time and was definitely more enjoyable than my first. Overall, the trip was fulfilling and amazing.

I share this because the “door” (or portal) to presenceSpirit, and flow doesn’t have to be as extreme as off-grid living or jumping into the unknown abyss – the door is actually always here and is waiting for you to open. All it takes is a few moments to truly breathe into your being, consciously release your distractions, and become aware of what is. In any healing practice (even something as simple as going for a walk or cooking yourself a meal), doors will open when you are without distraction. Try out listening, responding, acting, and being from this connected place sometime…and notice what you find. <3

Thank you for reading. Please visit my web page https://surrendertosoulwellness.com/ to read more about receiving a long-distance Intuitive Healing.

With Love Always,

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Surrender to Soul Healing & Wellness

Shanin Weisberg

Home Practice: Bless Your Home

 You can easily bless your home (or any space) through your thoughts, words, and actions.

STEP ONE: Begin at your front door or the entrance to your space. As you walk in, look around and start to mindfully walk the perimeter of the room, slowly making your way through each part of your home.

STEP TWO: Gaze at your space with the feeling and the thoughts you wish to reflect onto your space – peace, comfort, safety, healing, etc. (You may choose to carry your favorite crystal or burn your favorite herb or wood as you do this.) Invite an inner feeling of Love and hold the clear intention to Bless in your heart center.

STEP THREE: Sounds are a powerful tool that create our reality. Words, songs, and incantations can be a promising way to deliver a potent Blessing. Here is an incantation I have used that is quite simple but effective: “Bless this house. Bless this home. Heal this house. Heal this home. Love this house. Love this home.” You may repeat this as many times as you feel called as you walk around each room, being sure to walk the edges and corners. You may also replace the words house/home with space/place or any other word(s) that feels right. It may feel right for you to touch certain objects in your space, or move your hands in an organic magical way as you repeat the incantation. I would recommend repeating the incantation at least 3 times all the way through out loud with conviction, certainty, and feeling.

STEP FOUR: Once you have made it through the entire space, return to the center of the space or to the center of your home. Close your eyes and breathe for several moments into this Blessing that you have bestowed into your space. Thank yourself, and notice what you feel. Record any experience or reaction as you feel called to.

Always Love, 


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Shamanic Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness 

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

*First image of me was taken by Annabelle. Please check out her work here http://www.annabelledenmark.com/*

Own Your Power: You Create Your World


Happy Holiday & Winter Season!

I hope you are enjoying this healing, dark time of year as the sun shines less and the moon shines more.

I used to really dislike winter…you know…the cold, the lack of sun, the longer nights. But recently, I have found the sheer beauty and comfort in being home cozy, rested, reflective, and mostly in the dark.

The photo above was taken just as the season was changing to fall…I am in Rocky Mountain National State Park surrounded by mountain air, water, sunshine, and rock. I love this image because it beautifully shows the balance between light and dark, and also because there is an awesome orb glowing with the color of my Lifeforce – bright blue! 😀

The seasons are a great example of the entire spectrum available to us in the Universe. We have spring/summer (the light side) and fall/winter (the dark side). For most of my life, I was labeling or judging the dark (winter) as “less-than” instead of viewing it as an equal part of the greater whole.

The distinction between light and dark can be compared to many oppositions and reflections that are parts of one total whole….good and bad, self and other, earth and universe… there are an infinite amount of examples. When we open our perceptions to see the totality of each experienced spectrum, we also open to the beauty and the healing in each and every part. One gives definition to the other. We know there would be no light without dark, no good without bad, no self without other, and no earth without the universe.

Through our perception do we actually create each experience we have.
Through our perception do we actually create the Universe.
And the Universe always responds.

Shamanically, it is believed that we actually dream the world into being. I first learned this from teacher Sandra Ingerman. We dream the world into being through our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and perceptions. Because we are all a part of the Universe, we are all co-creating this world together. Individually, we have our personalized belief systems for which we base our own perceptions and actions around. And yes, surely some overlap with the “collective” as well. The “collective” is defined by me as being the Universal “way” dreamed into all of our beings by centuries of programmed beliefs, actions, and behaviors of mankind.

When the veil of illusion lifts away, when you begin to SEE the truth of your reality – things actually become a bit lighter and certainly clearer! We consciously begin to understand our most in depth under-the-surface workings, our unique code to how we function and perceive reality. You can call this getting to know our subconscious or unconscious Self. And, we actually build the foundation for our Life through our subconscious and unconscious Self – these parts we are mostly unfamiliar with.

We certainly dream our world into being through our deepest parts such as these…

Give yourself a moment to look within yourself for your answers:

With awareness, gaze around you…shift your perspective so that you may be able to SEE the whole…then ask yourself…

  1. How does my home space reflect me, both in feeling (vibe) and appearance (cleanliness & organization)?
  2. How does my work reflect me?
  3. How do the actions I have taken reflect me?
  4. How does my experience of yesterday reflect me?
  5. How does my attitude about tomorrow reflect me today?
  6. How am I thinking, feeling, acting and how does that reflect this perceivable moment right now?

Our perception and perspective begins with us, always.
We create our Life because we are Life!
We create our experience because we are the Creation!
We are Creation itself as it witnesses itself!


We are a unique and valued part of the whole of the Universe.

Own your Power.

How do you create your world?

Always Love,


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Shamanic Energy Healer

Surrender to Soul Wellness

Enhance. Embody. Empower.

Conscious Eating

Conscious Eating

This is a huge part of my life.

So often in today’s society we have completely lost our personal relationship to the food we eat. More specifically, we have lost our connection and lost our gratitude for how our food is grown, where it is grown, how it travels to us, and most of the time even how it is cooked before we eat it. Generally speaking, food as we know it exists only right before it enters our mouths. ☹

There is DEEP healing in not only how we interact and respect our food, in not only the quality of the food we choose to eat, in not only how our food was grown, but in the ENTIRE process of eating. For most of us, that is the shopping, preparing, cooking, eating, cleaning cycle that occurs when we touch, infuse, and respect our food by preparing it ourselves.

We become humbled by this process, because you are right – it is far from “convenient” in today’s world. Although, convenience and health can be two opposing things. Maybe for some of us, we are able to have our own gardens and grow our own food, or buy from a local farmer. This year, I have harvested cucumbers, romaine, green leaf, watermelon, zucchini, squash, herbs, and more!

There is something really profound about caring for your food as it grows before it even hits your fridge.

But, we are really blessed either way.

We have a surplus of grocery stores around us carrying healthy & organic produce, meat, and anything we could possibly need or even want. I do not have to grow all my own food because there are plenty of talented organic farmers around doing that for me (thankfully). I can literally walk to a grocery store from my house and buy clean, nutrient-dense food. How awesome is that!

As the season’s shift, it is a beautiful time to slow it down, check in, and pay attention to the small joys in our Earth life – like preparing or truly enjoying a delicious meal. The turn of the seasons is a beautiful time to honor the fall harvest – whatever you are harvesting (however subtle it may be).

And no matter the season, the food we choose to put into our bodies as fuel is directly related to our level of health and our potential level of health. You have probably heard the saying “You are either fighting or feeding disease with every bite”. I realize this can be quite overwhelming because we are habitual creatures, and it may be hard to break those habits. BUT, there are 4 simple principles I teach so that you can improve the quality of the food you eat AND improve your relationship to the food you eat as well.

4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health:

  1. Cut back on processed foods (foods in the middle of the grocery isles – anything boxed, packaged, etc.). Most of these foods have no nutritional content, and they are filled with sugars, grains, artificial flavors & colorings, preservatives, GMOs, and more icky ingredients. Be sure to check the nutrition label for sneaky ingredients that could feed disease.
  2. Cut back on gluten, dairy, and refined sugars & fats. Simply put, these will absolutely correlate with the levels of inflammation and toxicity in your body. Plus, nowadays there are amazing healthy alternatives.
  3. Have respect for your food! Honor where it’s been before it hits your plate – it matters. Taking a moment before you eat at a restaurant or at home to offer your thanks and your love to the food can completely shift how your body will digest and metabolize it. This is specifically important if you do not buy, touch, cook, or connect in some way to your food before you eat it. Your intention is everything!
  4. Have compassion! Be kind to yourself. The beauty is in the process…


  1. Am I connecting with the food I eat? Am I honoring my food? Am I honoring my health?
  2. How can I improve my connection to my food?
  3. What are 1 or 2 simple changes I can make that will help me honor my food more authentically?
  4. What is a personal, reasonable goal for my own Conscious Eating in a year from now?

Conscious Eating Meditation

Eat a meal with wholehearted, conscious awareness.

Sounds simple, right?

You can find the right time to do this no matter where you are. Trust that you will know when is the “right time”.

Give yourself permission to set aside the everyday worries of your world.

Give yourself permission to let go of the grasps of the mind. Let go of the mind’s tendencies to attach, resist, or judge; and instead, simply allow yourself to experience the present moment in your body. This is important: Put aside all distractions (tv, phone, radio, etc). You will not need them.

Allow yourself to become immersed in the sensations of eating. Indulge in the smell of your food. Taste the flavors as they interact with each other in your mouth. Feel the changing textures as you chew and swallow. Let this be a full body experience. Allow your body to experience the experience of eating with gratitude, with love, and with presence. Allow every bite to dive you deeper into the magic of eating consciously.

Notice what shifts; notice what comes up; notice what evolves; notice how you feel when you finish.


Please reach out with comments, questions, or if I can support you in any way through your journey of Conscious Eating. Many Blessings.


Shanin Weisberg

Yoga Teacher, Diet Coach, Energy Healer


Contact me @ [email protected]

Doing vs. Being

I’d say it’s officially SPRING – with maybe even a touch of summer (at least here in CO :P). Perhaps you feel the increase of energy that goes along with this change of season. I know I am! For me, it tends to manifest as an extra chatty mind or busy “to-do” lists. This could (and probably will!) show up in a different way for you. Regardless of how this propulsion into a warm, active season is revealing in your life, we could all invite in a little less “DO” & a little more “BE”. We can then find our own unique balance of these two energies (DO & BE) as they merge in our everyday life. These last few weeks have brought me back to this simple, but profound practice.

So – what is the difference between doing vs. being?

Doing is the action you take in the world. We are doing when we turn a thought or belief into our physical reality by action. Mowing the lawn, tending to the garden, driving our car, working at the office, preparing our dinner, etc. – these are all actions we “DO” – can you feel into the energy of doing?

Being naturally occurs when we are completely present – when our entire awareness is rooted in our body (not in our thinking mind!). We are being when we experience every sensation, every emotion, every action, even every stream of thought as the experience unfolds, fully immersed in that very moment. It is actually impossible to “BE” when we are in our mental space, having conversations within our own mind – spiraling thoughts around & around. Being requires us to feel, not to think. Practicing yoga, talking a walk out in nature, listening to waves crash on the beach, eating a meal without distraction, meditating peacefully, etc. – these are all experiences for which we “BE” – can you feel into the energy of being?

Now – we are humans functioning in a present-day society. We have lives to life & things to do. But, we also have the ability to gift ourselves with each experience as it occurs, moment by moment. It IS possible to be fully present & aware as we go about our daily tasks. It is also possible to (if we need to) pencil in time slots so that we can BE – go for a walk, practice yoga, or whatever else is suitable for you! I know – it seems simple as written text but is much more challenging to invite in as a part of our reality. That is why it is a practice, always ?.

Start to contemplate: Ask yourself how you can incorporate more being during this shift into activity. Then ask yourself how you can be in all that you do. Maybe journal about it, chat with a friend, or write a comment & let me know how it’s going!

Visit: https://surrendertosoulwellness.com/ to stay updated with Surrender to Soul Wellness – offerings, yoga classes, upcoming workshops & events, recipes, lifestyle tips, and more.

To sign up for Surrender to Soul’s monthly newsletter: click on the link above, and scroll down to enter your email address.

All my LOVE, 

Shanin Weisberg

Owner/Founder of Surrender to Soul Wellness

Diet/Lifestyle/Spiritual Services, Yoga Instructor, Healing Sessions

How To Make Delicious Paleo Superfood Cacao Power Balls

Hi Beautiful Health-Conscious People! 




I have recently created this AMAZING & EASY recipe. These

Paleo Superfood Cacao Power Balls

make a DELICIOUS treat, pre/post workout pick-me-up, morning metabolism boost, & all around filling & energized snack. These balls will help you BURN fat, increase your metabolism, help regulate your blood sugar levels, keep you full for longer, & give you sustainable energy.

I’m sure you’ve heard the latest on Cacao vs. Cocoa… Does it really matter which one to pick? Well…they do start from the same place… but finish VERY different! Cacao beans are processed at HIGH temperatures to get the well-known Cocoa Powder — highly processed & stripped of most of the nutrients & antioxidants during the heating process. Cacao beans go through a cooling process to become the bitter, wholesome Cacao powder — which maintains most of it’s nutritional value.

Here’s why you should choose Cacao over Cocoa: *less-processed* *super-food* *antioxidants* *nutrient-dense with magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, & manganese* *mood-booster* *improves cognitive function* *healthy heart* *regulates insulin* *no added- ANYTHING* *you are eating  CLEAN love*

Sounds good — right?

Great, & this recipe is really so simple…all you need is your handy-dandy food processor & this list of ingredients below ( do your best to buy organic 🙂 )


  • 1 cup toasted cinnamon almonds (i bought raw & then toasted with lots of sprinkled cinnamon on a baking pan in oven (375 degrees) for about 15 minutes, mixing once or twice, then cooled, packaged, & used the day after) OR 1 cup raw almonds
  • 1 cup roasted salted cashews ( i bought them this way 😉 )
  • 4 medjool dates
  • 1/2 cup cacao powder
  • 1/2 cup flax seeds
  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes
  • 2.5 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of almond butter
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • few pinches of sea salt

How To Make:

Put all the ingredients in the food processor, & blend together until relatively smooth. If you have more of a sweet tooth — you can add in more dates or some of your favorite raw honey or coconut sugar, but the other two might change the texture slightly. Try it first though—see what you think! You may really enjoy the bitterness of the Cacao balanced with the fat & protein. After you’ve processed the ingredients together… you just ball it up…into really whatever size you want…but mine were about the size of a normal cake pop top – lol (but of course much better). This recipe made me about 24 balls. They last in an air-tight container for about 1.5 weeks, or for longer in the fridge.

Let me know how you adjust this recipe fit YOU! <3

SO MUCH LOVE … thank you for taking the time, making the choice, taking the action to improve yourSELF through what you put into your body as fuel. It is truly our best alley for health in this life.


From all of me, To all of you….

Shanin Weisberg

Surrender to Soul Wellness 

Enhance. Embody. Empower.


Check out more….

on facebook  https://www.facebook.com/SurrendertoSoulWellness/?ref=bookmarks

on my website https://surrendertosoulwellness.com/

Here’s for more info on Cacao vs. Cocoa – https://blog.paleohacks.com/cacao-vs-cocoa/#